As Trustees of Save the Children UK we warmly welcome Dr Shale’s report, and fully support its recommendations, which will be invaluable in helping us to further strengthen the organisation for the future.
We are grateful that so many people chose to participate in the review and would like to thank Dr Shale and her team for their work. Save the Children UK is driven by the core values on which the organisation was founded 100 years ago.
These values, and colleagues’ commitment, professionalism and dedication, underpin everything we do as we fight for children every day. The report shows much to be proud of, but it also shows that we have more to do to ensure a positive working experience for all.
We now look forward to learning from Dr Shale’s findings and building a stronger workplace in partnership with everyone across the organisation.
The Trustees of Save the Children UK
Click here to read Dr Shale's statement on completion of the review