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You can find out more information on some of our organisation’s internal policies below. We are currently reviewing this page to increase transparency around our internal policies.

We are committed to upholding the highest standards in safeguarding. Our Safeguarding Policy and accompanying procedures clearly outline what is expected of our staff, and how to report any concerns. It is a requirement for all staff, regardless of their role within our organisation, that they complete safeguarding training as part of their induction.
You can find out more about our commitment to safeguarding here.

Code of conduct
Our code of conduct and supporting policies are binding on all Save the Children staff and representatives. Training on this policy is mandatory. If anyone fails to meet these standards, they risk disciplinary action and we will refer any serious infractions to the relevant professional organisations or legal authorities. You can find out more about of code of conduct here.

Donations acceptance and refusal 
We are committed to making decisions that are in the best interests of the charity and ultimately, of children. Our Donation Acceptance and Refusal policy ensures that we do not compromise on our mission and values when it comes to raising income. You can read our Donation acceptance and refusal statement here.

Gender pay gap 
Save the Children is committed to achieving gender equity in pay. Our values as an organisation demand women and men are equally rewarded for equivalence in contribution, considering skills, grade and performance. Through our programme, policy and campaigning work, we strive to support gender equity in developing countries – and we are working towards ensuring that our organisation reflects the commitment to equity we demand of others. For more information on our gender pay gap, including what steps and measures we have taken to address it and issues of unconscious and conscious gender bias, please see our latest Diversity and Inclusion Report.

Health, safety and security policy 
We are committed to safeguarding the health, safety, security and well-being of our staff and representatives and to ensuring that they are given adequate training, support and information. We are also committed to further developing a positive safety culture where everyone, from the Board to our dedicated volunteers, is responsible for making sure health and safety are considered in the planning of all that we do.

Modern slavery statement
We continue to respond to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act, including rolling out, maintaining and publishing key policies; continuing the inclusion of a modern slavery clause for the charity’s contract templates; and testing and identifying areas in the charity’s direct supply chain where there may be significant risks of forced labour, human trafficking or other forms of modern slavery. The charity is using funds and skills to work closely with Save the Children International primarily to identify and resolve any modern slavery in the supply chain for the international work undertaken by Save the Children International. For more information, see the Modern Slavery Statement here.

Open information
We strive to be as open and transparent as possible by proactively sharing information and answering all requests for it. For more information please see our open information policy here.

Our Whistleblowing Policy is intended to protect anyone who discloses concerns from discrimination. Applicable to all staff, volunteers, partners, children and adults we work with, our Whistleblowing Policy is guided by the principles of fairness, openness, transparency, protection and accountability and is highlighted during the Induction for new starters.