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How we act determines how many children's lives we save.

Save the Children's work is based on deeply held values and principles. It is essential that our commitment to children's rights and humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all members of staff, volunteers and other representatives.

If any of us fails to act in a way that is consistent with our values and principles, we fail as an organisation.

The Code of Conduct provides clear guidance on what we expect of our staff and volunteers and other representatives, as well as providing examples of conduct that will always be unacceptable. It is the responsbility of us all to ensure our behaviour is consistent with the values and prinicples of Save the Children, set out in the Code of Conduct.

As an employee or representative of Save the Children, we are expected to promote its values and principles and protect its reputation by:

  • working actively to protect children by complying with Save the Children’s child protection policy and procedures
  • respecting the basic rights of others by acting fairly, honestly and tactfully, and by treating people with dignity and respect
  • maintaining high standards of personal and professional conduct
  • protecting the safety and well-being of myself and others
  • protecting the organisation’s assets and resources
  • reporting any matter that breaks the standards contained in this Code of Conduct.

Save the Children, therefore does not tolerate the following:

  • engaging in sexual relations with anyone under the age of 18, or abuse or exploit a child in any way
  • exchanging money, employment, goods or services for sexual favours
  • drinking alcohol or use any other substances in a way that adversely affects your ability to do your job or affects the reputation of the organisation
  • being in possession of, nor profiting from the sale of, illegal goods or substances
  • accepting bribes or significant gifts from governments, beneficiaries, donors, suppliers or others, which have been offered as a result of my employment
  • undertaking business for the supply of goods or services to Save the Children with family, friends or personal contacts or use Save the Children assets for personal benefit
  • behaving in a way which threatens the security of ourselves or others
  • using the organisation’s computer or other equipment to view, download, create or distribute inappropriate material, such as pornography.