In partnership with Wall's and Symrise, we have supported more than 40,000 people across 76 villages in Madagascar.
Did you know 80% of the world's vanilla comes from the Sava region in Madagascar? But it's one of the hardest places to be a child; 3 out of 4 people live below the poverty line, over 40% of children (under the age of five) suffers from stunting, and the country has the world’s fifth highest number of out-of-school children in the world.
Since 2016, we've been working in partnership with Wall's and vanilla supplier Symrise, to improve the livelihoods of vanilla farming communities in the Sava region. The partnership aims to break the cycle of poverty that gets transferred from one generation to the next and ensure a strong and sustainable supply of vanilla for the future.
What we have achieved in Madagascar
Our partnership with Wall's and Symrise aims to tackle some of the biggest issues affecting vanilla farmers and their families. The programme provides direct support to farmers (as well as the wider community) to improve their livelihoods, making sure they get a fair price for their crop, have access to health insurance and financial training. All of this helps to provide better opportunities for the next generation.

Germina in Madagascar
Some of our joint achievements include:
- Over 9,000 households and 38,000 community members in total are now covered by lifesaving health insurance.
- Over 114 Village Savings and Loans associations are active across the region, providing communities with access to fair credit and savings.
- Over 40,000 people received ‘Essential Package’ training, which encourages improved family health, nutrition and parenting behaviours.
- 2,400 young people now have access to education services, such as numeracy and literacy ‘catch up’ classes, Youth Committees (including very popular football clubs!), rural training colleges and career guidance.
- We’ve carried out a study on the impact of the vanilla industry on the lives of children and used these finding to help develop a Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct and guide for all businesses to ensure better protection of children living in vanilla farming communities.
Page last updated October 2021