The Civil Society Network is part of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN), a world-wide Movement to end malnutrition.
Our network is made up of civil society organisations – diverse, non-profit groups including human rights defenders, community organisations, women’s groups, small farmers, research entities, child rights organisations and more.
The network has approximately 4000 member organisations who are part of the global network or one of our country alliances or CSAs (civil society alliances).
Good nutrition – a healthy, balanced and adequate diet – is a matter of life or death and the difference between surviving and thriving. Without correct nutrition, millions of people are affected by fatal illnesses, learning difficulties, stunted growth, challenges in pregnancy and more.
The world has made progress in addressing undernutrition. But the progress has not been fast enough – malnutrition is still commonplace in many countries around the world.
The people who are affected cannot change this situation alone. Civil society organisations need to come together and use their skills, experience and influence to improve the lives of millions of malnourished people.
The SUN Civil Society Network Secretariat supports network members in three key areas – campaigning, fundraising and governance.
Visit the SUN CSN website to learn more
Our Goals
As part of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement (SUN), the SUN Civil Society Network (SUN CSN) is working to raise the voices of those who are affected by malnutrition. Our primary purpose is to end malnutrition globally by 2030.
The network contributes to this cause through five strategic objectives:
- CIVIL SOCIETY SPACE: Promote meaningful civil society representation and engagement, especially from the most marginalised, across the SUN Movement and beyond.
- AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT: Advocate for improved financial, policy and legal action on nutrition, and hold all stakeholders accountable.
- NETWORK SUSTAINABILITY: Drive sustainability across the CSN by equipping the Network’s structures with the skills and resources they need to deliver on their workplans and address the challenges they face.
- PROGRAMME DELIVERY: Scale up effective nutrition interventions and sensitisation at community level.
- EVIDENCE & LEARNING: Generate evidence and use it to inform decisions and scale promising interventions.
Read our latest blogs
Meet the Team

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
Alexandra Newlands
Head of SUN CSN Secretariat
Alexandra focuses on:
Managing the Secretariat’s team members and workplan
Managing relations with the SUN Movement Secretariat and other SUN networks
Leading CSN engagement with SUN 3.0 strategy
Leading engagement with Nutrition for Growth summit and its preparations

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
Barbara Rehbinder
Deputy Head – Strategy & Advocacy
Barbara focuses on:
- Managing SUN CSN’s regional coordination work, and the Secretariat’s support to our civil society alliances
- Leading our global governance processes
- Working with head on team on strategy and engaging with the other SUN networks
- Working with head of team to lead the network’s advocacy plans

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
Nazgol Kafai
Senior Impact & Evidence Advisor
Nazgol focuses on:
- Managing global level MEAL, Knowledge Management, and the SUN CSN Technical Assistance programme
- Providing technical assistance on MEAL and KM to country alliances
- Supporting the Asia regional group and a range of CSAs globally
- Organising learning events and trainings for CSAs

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
Michèle Semaan
Senior Communications Officer
Michèle focuses on:
- Supporting alliances with their communication strategies
- Delivering the SUN CSN’s communication strategy
- Creating and delivering a social media plan for the SUN CSN Secretariat’s social channels
- Supporting the Western and Central Africa Region

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
Carolina Turriago Borrero
Senior Regional Adviser for Latin America & the Caribbean
Carolina focuses on:
- Leading on the Network’s strategy implementation at the regional level
- Ensuring that CSAs have access to the information, opportunities and technical assistance they need to deliver their plans and to contribute to multi-sectoral efforts to address malnutrition
- Fostering a culture of cross-country and cross-regional learning exchanges
- Leveraging advocacy opportunities for nutrition at the regional level and supports countries in their advocacy activities
- Ensuring synergies with the SUN Movement Global Secretariat regional hub

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
Bessie Ndovi
Senior Regional Adviser for Eastern & Southern Africa
Bessie focuses on:
- Leading on the Network’s strategy implementation at the regional level
- Ensuring that CSAs have access to the information, opportunities and technical assistance they need to deliver their plans and to contribute to multi-sectoral efforts to address malnutrition
- Fostering a culture of cross-country and cross-regional learning exchanges
- Leveraging advocacy opportunities for nutrition at the regional level and supports countries in their advocacy activities
- Ensuring synergies with the SUN Movement Global Secretariat regional hub

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
François Yaovi AMEDE MEGNAN
Senior Regional Adviser for West & Central Africa
François focuses on:
- Leading on the Network’s strategy implementation at the regional level
- Ensuring that CSAs have access to the information, opportunities and technical assistance they need to deliver their plans and to contribute to multi-sectoral efforts to address malnutrition
- Fostering a culture of cross-country and cross-regional learning exchanges
- Leveraging advocacy opportunities for nutrition at the regional level and supports countries in their advocacy activities
- Ensuring synergies with the SUN Movement Global Secretariat regional hub

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
Emilita “Emily” MONVILLE-ORO
Senior Regional Adviser for Asia
Emily focuses on:
- Leading on the Network’s strategy implementation at the regional level
- Ensuring that CSAs have access to the information, opportunities and technical assistance they need to deliver their plans and to contribute to multi-sectoral efforts to address malnutrition
- Fostering a culture of cross-country and cross-regional learning exchanges
- Leveraging advocacy opportunities for nutrition at the regional level and supports countries in their advocacy activities
- Ensuring synergies with the SUN Movement Global Secretariat regional hub