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A child's right to a fair start in life

Across the world, particular groups of children are being denied their rights thanks to a toxic mix of poverty and discrimination.

Inequalities are growing between and within countries, with children being left behind as a result of their gender, wealth, location or identity. 

We work with governments, the private sector and civil society partners to tackle the root causes of inequality and exclusion. 

We push for changes to the systems and structures that perpetuate inequalities and deny children their rights, drawing on our  world-class research and innovative and evidence-based solutions.  

We work across Save the Children’s breakthrough themes of health, education and child protection, supporting colleagues with policy and functional expertise as well as driving our own workstreams on cross-cutting issues.

Our priorities

  • To push governments to tackle inequalities and champion intersectional feminist approaches to development
  • To implement the Sustainable Development Goals Pledge to Leave No One Behind and strengthen accountability for the realisation of child rights
  • To advocate for investment in the poorest and most marginalised children, and for minimum financial security for all
  • To increase access to evidence for improved policy impact for children and strengthen civil society advocacy through our research, data analysis, monitoring, evaluation, and learning expertise.

Fiscal Equity for Children

Governments’ fiscal decisions about where to spend money and how to raise the resources have huge implications for the realisation of children’s rights.

Our reports

Read the latest blogs on aid and development

Our experts


Lisa Wise

Co-Director of Global Policy, Advocacy and Research

Lisa leads the organisation’s policy, advocacy and research on inequality and accountability. Lisa has over 15 years of experience of working in the international development sector, covering issues of development financing, human rights, governance and accountability.  
[email protected]


Gabrielle Szabo

Co-head of Policy, Research and Evidence Team

Gabrielle co-leads the movement’s global advocacy for gender equality and girls’ empowerment. She is a human rights lawyer and has previously worked on refugee settlement, indigenous affairs, gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health and rights with the Australian Government, the Global Fund, community-based organisations and the UN in Asia and the Pacific. 
[email protected]


Lilei Chow

Senior Adviser - SDGs

Lilei’s focus is on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Pledge to Leave No One Behind. Lilei has over ten years of experience working in international development, including within the UN system, mostly with vulnerable and marginalised groups such as indigenous communities and persons with disabilities. She also has a background in field research.
[email protected]


Oliver Fiala

Senior Research Adviser

Oliver leads research and data analysis for impact, with a strong emphasis on inequality. Focus areas include child poverty, health, nutrition, education, and fiscal equity. He oversees GRID, our Child Inequality Tracker, and leads Save the Children's global advocacy work to improve the availability of disaggregated data in monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  
[email protected]

Image credit: cottonbro studio / Pexels

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children

Lavinia Loperfido

PMEAL Officer

Lavinia delivers planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning for advocacy across the Save the Children Movement. She also provides research support and capacity building to country offices on MEAL systems and evidence generation as well as being responsible for reporting on a multi-country Gates Foundation-funded advocacy programme.
[email protected]

Image credit: cottonbro studio / Pexels

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children

Chiara  Orlassino

Research Adviser

Chiara delivers and supports research on inclusive development. She also curates Save the Children’s Child Inequality Tracker “GRID”, delivers research training to colleagues around the world, and represents Save the Children in international research fora. She is part of Save the Children’s UK impact squad, in which she leads on data analysis for advocacy. 
[email protected]

Image credit: cottonbro studio / Pexels

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children

George Sagoe-Addy

Senior PMEAL Adviser

George has over 13 years' experience working in the international development space with lots of country experience. George leads on our PAC divisional planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning to embed MEAL systems and frameworks for advocacy. He oversees the support and capacity building of country teams partner civil society organisations in strengthening MEAL systems and processes for advocacy impact measurement. Provides support in the quality assurance and delivery of research pieces with country offices on grants and supports proposal development.
[email protected]