EiE Professional Development Programme
Embedding education as a fundamental component of a humanitarian response

Introducing EiE and the PDP
Education is a fundamental component of a humanitarian response: it contributes to the physical and psychological protection of children, their families and communities; it supports and promotes the continuation of child development and learning and helps prevent drop out; it presents an opportunity to improve the reach, quality and relevance of education, including building resilience.
A key part of being able to initiate, design and implement timely and quality education in emergencies (EiE) responses is having the education/EiE staff with the right competencies to do so. Developing these competencies where they are needed - in emergency-prone contexts, countries and regions - is the aim of the inter-agency EiE Professional Development Programme (PDP).
Since its launch in 2015, the EiE PDP has been developing the capacity of in-country EiE and education practitioners from all organisations through delivering a series of EiE courses via regional hubs. The courses in this series now include the EiE Fundamentals (50 learning hours), the EiE Online course hosted on Kaya (200 learning hours), and the EiE Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) – a comprehensive blended learning programme accredited by the University of Geneva (totalling 450 learning hours). The EiE PDP has been delivered in East & Southern Africa (ESA), the Middle East & Eastern Europe (MEEE), South East Asia and South Asia regions, with delivery hubs established in the ESA & MEEE regions, with plans for a third in the West & Central Africa (WCA) region.
For more information on these courses, please see the EiE PDP Overview and/ or the individual tabs below.
The 30-40-hour EiE Fundamentals course aims to enhance the capacity of junior-mid level country-office or response staff who need to rapidly improve their knowledge of the fundamental concepts, phases and tools of EiE. The course is a face-to-face or remote training involving limited pre-work, and aims to develop selected INEE Level 1, 2 and 3 competencies (explain, describe, identify, assess, analyse, evaluate, design, apply, use, develop, engage, participate).
The EiE Fundamentals courses are delivered by the Regional EiE PDP hubs at the regional level or to targeted countries or responses, increasingly supported and delivered by EiE CAS graduates.
For more information on upcoming EiE Fundamentals courses, please email the EiE inbox.
Intermediate Online
The EiE Online course is primarily designed to help education in emergencies (EiE) and education practitioners improve their overall understanding of EiE or their knowledge of specific EiE topics and areas, in line with the six modules/35 units offered. It may also serve as a useful resource for those working in other areas but wanting to improve their understanding of the sector by diving into this intermediate-level content.
The EiE Online course explicitly links to the INEE Competency Framework and can be used to help address many of the competencies presented in the Framework. It can be taken as individual units, individual modules, as a complete standalone course or, for eligible participants, as a pathway to the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) accredited by the University of Geneva. The course is H-Pass digitally badged, earned by completing the unit content and a test at the end.
The course is being developed in English but as soon as content is finalised, it will be translated into and released in French, Arabic and Spanish. The EiE Online course was developed by Save the Children in collaboration with INEE, Plan International and other sector actors.
Recent EiE Online Course Releases:
Advanced (CAS)
Upon completion of the Intermediate, those eligible from the ESA and MEEE regions (Education/EiE practitioners working in the region on a response or emergency-prone context) will then be able to apply for the 250-hour Certificate in Advanced Studies (CAS) course which is accredited by the University of Geneva (UNIGE).
The EiE CAS course aims to develop INEE Level 2 & 3 competencies (assess, analyse, evaluate, design, apply, use, develop engage, participate, work with). The CAS targets more senior EiE or education practitioners in a position of influence in an EiE programme or response and able to apply their learning to strengthen their practice and the performance of the programme or response they work on. The CAS is blended taught course also involving a 7-day residential held in the region and can be delivered to 25 students twice per year.
For more information, please contact the EiE inbox.