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The Early Years Knowledge Bank inspires ideas for practice, research and advocacy to improve outcomes for babies and young children experiencing poverty in the UK.


Young Children's Voices

All children have a right to be listened to, but often, the voices of the youngest children are not heard.

‘Young Children’s Voices' explores why and how to listen to the youngest children.

The impact of COVID-19 on young children

How were the youngest children impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, what is needed to mitigate this impact, and what can we learn from this?

Baya*, 16 months, and his mum Tunko* play with toys from our new Wonderpacks, at Oasis, Cardiff

Image Credit: Jonathan Hyams/Save the Children

Photographer credit - Volodymyr Hryshchenko

Image credit: Volodymyr Hryshchenko / Unsplash

Why Early Years Matters

Children's early years are the most formative and crucial for later life and play a key role in their overall development.



Play is necessary, every child’s right, and needs to be taken seriously. But play isn’t always understood or prioritised, and the additional challenge of poverty means that children are missing out.

Austin, three, plays in the cabin at the STC funded Forget-Me-Not allotment, Margate

Play-Doh at a Lego play innovation lab in Tower Hamlets