It’s time to rip up the current fiscal rules for UK aid
Reshaping the UK's ODA for better spending.
The £1.6 billion cut to the UK’s International Climate Finance
Exposing the effective £1.6 billion cut to the UK’s international climate finance commitment following accounting changes.
Building on Labour's Development Legacy
Labour has an opportunity to build on its legacy of leadership in international development.
Unlocking funding to educate refugee children
New analysis in our report The Price of Hope shows the growing funding gap for refugee education is exacerbated by worsening debt burdens.
3 things the UK can do
How the UK Government can unlock billions of pounds to address the interconnected crises of climate change and inequality.
Paris financing summit must deliver for children
Key principles and deliverables for putting children's rights at the centre of the Paris Financing Summit in June 2023
Hope in the face of crisis
Insights from our conversations with 54,500 children on climate change and inequality, and how global leaders should act on them.
G20 can no longer step back on the global debt crisis
The worsening global debt crisis risks impacting lives of children across the world, which requires urgent leadership from G20 finance ministers.
Is UK aid facing another round of major cuts?
Is a third year of UK aid cuts inevitable, or is there another way? A look at the key issues and possible solutions.
G20 need to stop kicking the can down the road
Critical actions G20 Finance Ministers need to announce at this weeks meeting to support global security, prosperity and increased investment in children.
Measure fiscal equity
Our session at the UN World Data shed light on the data we need to better understand how fair public finance decisions are for children and their families.
Why 2021 Spending Review matters for world’s poorest children
How the 2021 Spending Review will shape UK aid spending on children for the next three years.
GRID can help better understand inequalities in child nutrition
Save the Children’s Child Inequality Tracker GRID offers a unique level of granularity for data on malnutrition, as well as other key child wellbeing measures.
Every child counts
Data on inequalities is extremely important for accountability to children. Our analysis shows that the availability of such data is still extremely patchy.
From "Decade of Delivery” to “Lost Decade”
New analysis suggests that planned investment in children’s health, education and wellbeing in countries across the world will not be enough.
The Future of British Aid
Of course, international development is about much more than aid. But with the world facing unprecedented reversals to progress, make no mistake: aid matters.
Mission at risk?
Our analysis of the UK aid budget for this financial year and next shows budget cuts will have a potentially devastating impact on the world's poorest children.
The Sustainable Development Goals must guide the future of UK aid in recovery from COVID-19
The Sustainable Development Goals should be the cornerstone of the global policy agenda for the new Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office.
How can the new FCDO deliver on the UK public’s priorities?
How we believe the new Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office can deliver transparency and support for the world's poorest people.
The Future of British Aid
Through this blog series, we'll make the case that the future of British aid must be firmly rooted in reducing poverty and independent of Britain’s commercial interest.
Everybody loves a good pandemic
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, governments are taking unprecedented measures. But the space for civil society to hold them accountable is shrinking.
Time to take a stand to protect children in conflict
Taking action to right the wrongs in new UN report on children and armed conflict is the first step in protecting children and standing up for the UN’s values.