Working Hard to Make Life Fun
Dalgis Alandete is a tutor in one of our Child-Friendly Spaces (CFS) helping to provide a safe space where children can play and feel supported. What are some of the problems that Venezuelan children are facing in Colombia? Venezuelan children don’t have homes to protect them from the rain and there have been reports of […]
Welcome to Quiche!
Quiche, Guatemala is a beautiful region, but poverty, climate change and lack of healthcare can make it a tough area to grow up. Find out about our work in Quiche.
Forget Springtime in Paris
Forget Paris, Washington DC is the place to be in Spring. Where you’ll find the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group.
Growing the Wrong Way
Save the Children has been in Lebanon since the 1950s, advocating for children’s rights with and through long-standing partnerships with excellent local organisations.
Summer of play
Save the Children are delighted to be supporting Summer of Play for a second year. I visited North Tyneside in July to see the programme for myself.
What to do when you've done all you can
Right now, we’re living in a world where so much feels outside our control. What happens when you’re constantly fearful, but feel you can’t change anything?
End of year message from Gwen Hines - CEO of Save the Children UK
As we close out another year and look ahead to 2022, I have been taking stock of the last twelve months, including my first six months as Chief Executive.
Message of solidarity to trans and non-binary people
Esther Hodges, member of our LGBT+ Allies network, shares a statement of solidarity and support to trans and non-binary people.
Reasons to smile
These pictures will brighten up your day! We're celebrating the joy of children who have what they need to be healthy, happy, and free to play.
Why the G7 matters
It’s time to get back to the big issues that affect us all. And G7 is the place to do it. Here's why.
One Year On: Lockdown Life on the Bettws Estate
With COVID-19 effecting families around the UK, read how families on the Bettws Estate in Wales are getting through it, together.
2021: Optimism and Change
For those of us who believe in child rights and universal rights more widely, this is a time to demonstrate that human solidarity can make a difference.
International DJ and charity ambassador Cuppy hosts the first Gold Dust Conference
International DJ and Save the Children Ambassador Cuppy hosts the first Gold Dust Conference celebrating the impact achieved by the Cuppy Foundation.
Rays of hope for 2021
Kevin Watkins, CEO of Save the Children UK, takes a look back at the year and offers some rays of hope for 2021.
Staying steadfast in our commitments to children
This is the defining decade for a just transition on climate change and for delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Tomorrow is now
CEO Kevin Watkins on the importance of international cooperation built on human rights, dignity and equality.
The legendary resilience of Yemen’s women faces a new test – the Coronavirus
By Sukaina Sharafuddin – Media and communications coordinator at Save the Children in Yemen I gave birth to my son four years ago, amid a background of falling bombs. Since that day, I have been praying for him and us to live long enough to see the other side of the war that has been […]
Fighting for breath: time to invest in oxygen delivery systems in India
It’s estimated better access to medical oxygen could reduce childhood pneumonia-related mortality in India by at least 35%.
Delivering a potential COVID-19 vaccine to the world: understanding the scale of the challenge
If we assume 70% of the world’s people need to be immunised to achieve herd immunity, that means producing vaccines for more than 5 billion people. To put this into context, the global demand for vaccines totalled 3.5 billion doses in 2018.
Being a force for good in the face of global challenges to the protection of civilians
This week, the UN Secretary-General published his annual report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict. It helps countries like the UK understand what’s really happening in key conflicts.
Eating away the Covid-19 pandemic
Written by Webster Makombe Whilst the trending phrases during the Covid-19 pandemic are “social distancing” and “self-isolation”, where I am from we are saying “kusiri kufa ndekupi”. A Shona call of desperation which translated into English means “caught in between a rock and a hard place”. The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world into a […]
194 governments unanimously adopt COVID-19 resolution
Save the Children stands behind the World Health Organization and its leadership to drive the global public health response against COVID-19.
Winning the global fight against COVID-19 depends on bringing relief to war-weary families
In a camp in Syria a boy told our team, “We’re used to the war now. Even when it hits nearby, we hide in caves. But with this virus, we can’t hide.”