Working Hard to Make Life Fun
Dalgis Alandete is a tutor in one of our Child-Friendly Spaces (CFS) helping to provide a safe space where children can play and feel supported. What are some of the problems that Venezuelan children are facing in Colombia? Venezuelan children don’t have homes to protect them from the rain and there have been reports of […]
Welcome to Quiche!
Quiche, Guatemala is a beautiful region, but poverty, climate change and lack of healthcare can make it a tough area to grow up. Find out about our work in Quiche.
Forget Springtime in Paris
Forget Paris, Washington DC is the place to be in Spring. Where you’ll find the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group.
Growing the Wrong Way
Save the Children has been in Lebanon since the 1950s, advocating for children’s rights with and through long-standing partnerships with excellent local organisations.
Summer of play
Save the Children are delighted to be supporting Summer of Play for a second year. I visited North Tyneside in July to see the programme for myself.
What to do when you've done all you can
Right now, we’re living in a world where so much feels outside our control. What happens when you’re constantly fearful, but feel you can’t change anything?
End of year message from Gwen Hines - CEO of Save the Children UK
As we close out another year and look ahead to 2022, I have been taking stock of the last twelve months, including my first six months as Chief Executive.
Message of solidarity to trans and non-binary people
Esther Hodges, member of our LGBT+ Allies network, shares a statement of solidarity and support to trans and non-binary people.
Reasons to smile
These pictures will brighten up your day! We're celebrating the joy of children who have what they need to be healthy, happy, and free to play.
Why the G7 matters
It’s time to get back to the big issues that affect us all. And G7 is the place to do it. Here's why.
One Year On: Lockdown Life on the Bettws Estate
With COVID-19 effecting families around the UK, read how families on the Bettws Estate in Wales are getting through it, together.
2021: Optimism and Change
For those of us who believe in child rights and universal rights more widely, this is a time to demonstrate that human solidarity can make a difference.
International DJ and charity ambassador Cuppy hosts the first Gold Dust Conference
International DJ and Save the Children Ambassador Cuppy hosts the first Gold Dust Conference celebrating the impact achieved by the Cuppy Foundation.
Rays of hope for 2021
Kevin Watkins, CEO of Save the Children UK, takes a look back at the year and offers some rays of hope for 2021.
Staying steadfast in our commitments to children
This is the defining decade for a just transition on climate change and for delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Tomorrow is now
CEO Kevin Watkins on the importance of international cooperation built on human rights, dignity and equality.
The legendary resilience of Yemen’s women faces a new test – the Coronavirus
By Sukaina Sharafuddin – Media and communications coordinator at Save the Children in Yemen I gave birth to my son four years ago, amid a background of falling bombs. Since that day, I have been praying for him and us to live long enough to see the other side of the war that has been […]
Fighting for breath: time to invest in oxygen delivery systems in India
It’s estimated better access to medical oxygen could reduce childhood pneumonia-related mortality in India by at least 35%.
Delivering a potential COVID-19 vaccine to the world: understanding the scale of the challenge
If we assume 70% of the world’s people need to be immunised to achieve herd immunity, that means producing vaccines for more than 5 billion people. To put this into context, the global demand for vaccines totalled 3.5 billion doses in 2018.
Being a force for good in the face of global challenges to the protection of civilians
This week, the UN Secretary-General published his annual report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict. It helps countries like the UK understand what’s really happening in key conflicts.
Eating away the Covid-19 pandemic
Written by Webster Makombe Whilst the trending phrases during the Covid-19 pandemic are “social distancing” and “self-isolation”, where I am from we are saying “kusiri kufa ndekupi”. A Shona call of desperation which translated into English means “caught in between a rock and a hard place”. The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world into a […]
194 governments unanimously adopt COVID-19 resolution
Save the Children stands behind the World Health Organization and its leadership to drive the global public health response against COVID-19.
Winning the global fight against COVID-19 depends on bringing relief to war-weary families
In a camp in Syria a boy told our team, “We’re used to the war now. Even when it hits nearby, we hide in caves. But with this virus, we can’t hide.”
Coronavirus crisis: what are the next steps for children in the UK?
The take-up of our Emergency Grants Scheme gives us some indication of the level of deprivation some families are experiencing during this crisis.
“It’s time to stand together to fight Covid19,” a Bangladeshi frontline health worker urges people to be kind
Abdus Sobhan is a frontline health worker in Save the Children’s HIV prevention project, working with people who inject drugs and with other high-risk groups. He is based in Dhaka. I provide methadone to people who inject drugs and are at high risk of contracting HIV. I did not expect that my job would land […]
Tribute to Patricio Walmsley: Save the Children Emergency Health Unit staff member
Last week the Emergency Health Unit (EHU) received the very sad news that our staff member, Patricio Walmsley, who deployed with us numerous times, was killed in a plane accident in his home country Argentina. He was working for the Argentinean flying ambulance service at the time. His friend and colleague Christopher Forbes has written […]
Partnership in the face of pandemics
This blog is co-authored by Ariane McCabe, PhD, Director of Global Health and Public Affairs, GSK Vaccines and by Claire Leonie Ward, PhD, Health Advocacy Adviser at Save the Children UK. As the world’s attention and resources are focused on tackling the global pandemic, what does this mean for those most at risk of exposure […]
World leaders must look up from their COVID-19 blinkers – before it’s too late
When global leaders shift their gaze back to the wider horizon, what will the world look like for children? A series of separate developments demands their attention.
Midwives, Women and Newborns: Access to Midwifery care in the time of Covid19
Today is the International Day of the Midwife and 2020 is the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. It should be a time to celebrate. For most women, birth is uncomplicated and welcoming their new baby into the world is a joyful event which midwives are privileged to witness and be a part of. […]
Nigeria’s weak primary health system cannot cope with pandemics
The federal government and all states must act swiftly to put systems in place to ensure uninterrupted financial flows to the primary health care level.
Life in lockdown is proving tough for Britain’s families
We know from our work across the country that the coronavirus crisis is hitting families hard – and the poorest families hardest of all. For many of Britain’s poorest children, today will be another day trying to learn or play at home without toys or basic furniture such as a table or bed. Another day […]
The changing face of COVID-19: a live tracker of its impact on children
New research and estimates on the potential socio-economic impact of COVID-19 across child poverty, health & nutrition, education and protection.
Health extension workers: the backbone of Ethiopia’s immunisation programme
Dayo Mohamed, a 38-year-old health extension worker in Ethiopia’s Somali Region, has served his community for almost 12 years. The incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases has dropped significantly.
The COVID-19 threat to Generation Equality: Harnessing data insights to protect the most vulnerable girls
Now, when Sustainable Development Goal targets risk drifting irrevocably out of reach for the most marginalised girls, monitoring their outcomes is more vital than ever.
A good news story: how Bangladesh is winning the fight against childhood pneumonia
Bangladesh’s success in expanding the pneumococcal vaccine has been a huge step forward in reducing child deaths from pneumonia. But further work is needed.
Bangladesh’s amazing ‘Doctor Apas’
Over the last 3 years, we’ve worked with the government of Bangladesh and other partners to develop the National Strategy for Community Health Workers.
Making a virtual parliament work
From navigating digital meetings to the challenge of keeping up morale in the virtual sphere, many of us have experienced the ups and downs of working from home in the past month. As Parliament is about to come up against the same issues, I’ve drawn on what we’ve learned over the past month to offer some key tips.
We are all struggling to come to terms with the scale, severity and global reach of the Coronavirus pandemic. At this critical juncture, I wanted to briefly set out how Save the Children is responding to what is the gravest humanitarian challenge in our organisation’s history. When we were founded 100 years ago, countries around […]
Even in the toughest of times, we can do better by Britain’s kids
The Government has already done a lot for workers, but we would love to see some extra help for our youngest citizens too. Despite the steps that have been taken, many children will still be struggling.
Covid-19: one global health priority among many
Why keeping existing health programmes going in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic is imperative to avoid millions of deaths worldwide. The coronavirus has been spreading rapidly across the world and numbers of confirmed cases and deaths keep rising. As we all witnessed countries shutting down in an effort to slow the progression of the […]
Lessons from civil society resilience as we face COVID-19
“Adapt, Improvise, Overcome – the human spirit will always survive” These are the words of advice a colleague who worked in Ebola affected areas sent to me at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. I expected something much more technical and practical. He is right of course. At a certain point, it’s the spirit and […]
What does COVID-19 mean for breastfeeding?
All information in this blog was checked at the time of writing, for up-to-date advice on COVID-19 and breastfeeding please look to WHO and UNICEF Two years ago, I was packing my hospital bag, getting ready to go into hospital for the birth of my baby girl. About a week before the birth I was screened for MRSA. This made me briefly worry […]
Covid-19 could push 30 million African children into poverty
Covid-19 is putting a strain on societies and economies around the world, and the poor who are carrying the burden of the disease, both in high-income countries as well as in developing contexts. Today, the World Bank has published its first assessment of the economic impact of Covid-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa, showing the devastating effects the new coronavirus is likely to have on the world’s poorest continent.
Will COVID-19 bring the world closer together – or drive it further apart?
Over the past several weeks, we have seen COVID-19 spread across the globe, leaving in its trail a devastating set of consequences for all children. In response to this, Save the Children has put together a 5-point plan of action to protect a generation from COVID-19, and launched our biggest ever appeal this week to […]
COVID-19 and pharmaceutical security: is this a turning point in the debate on global access to medicine?
At a time when COVID-19 has got every nation – and everyone – talking corona, the debate about access to medicines has jumped to the top of the agenda. It’s a big shift. And a big opportunity.
Coronavirus Pandemic: Save the Children launches global response
We are living through extraordinary times. In the space of a few short months the Coronavirus pandemic has spread to almost every country in the world, bringing grief, suffering, and economic chaos in its wake. In the UK our National Health Service, and everyone working in it, has come under enormous pressure. Recession and the […]
Life at the other end of the rainbow
A stone’s throw from my home in South Wales – over the mountain at the end of the rainbow’s arch – lives a pot of gold. Deb Barry works as a Senior Humanitarian and Leadership Advisor and lives in Caerphilly. At the drop of a hat she packs her bags to respond to emergencies world-wide […]
Youth Leaders for Nutrition: Getting to know Florence and Maxwell
A couple of weeks ago two of our Youth Leaders for Nutrition, Florence Sibomana and Maxwell Mumba, from Rwanda and Zambia respectively, got their first taste of London. As well as developing a newfound love of Caribbean food, the two Youth Leaders for Nutrition certainly made their mark on the capital. They had audiences […]
Fears for the global supermarket
In low-income countries, poor people often face problems with both money and the availability of food. We need to think carefully about food and livelihoods before COVID-19 starts to hit poor countries in Africa and South Asia.
Protecting a generation from COVID-19
Protecting a generation from Covid-19 : An Agenda for Action from Save the Children Coronavirus knows no borders. It is a global threat and our shared humanity demands a global response. New research: 3 million lives at risk The virus is already having devastating consequences for children and their rights. Health systems, even in rich […]
As deadly coronavirus threatens war-torn Yemen, peace is needed more than ever
Britain must step up and push parties to the conflict to get round the table to find both an immediate cessation of hostilities and a long-term political solution.
Protecting children in poverty during the coronavirus crisis
Families in poverty will be feeling the economic effects of the unfolding crisis most acutely. We’re calling for a Family Rescue Package.
Love in the time of COVID-19
What does the coronavirus pandemic tell us about global health priorities? And what needs to change?
Our CEO on Save the Children’s response to Coronavirus
I very much hope you and your loved ones are safe, healthy and coping with the big changes coronavirus has brought into our lives. I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on how Save the Children is responding to the coronavirus pandemic. Our organisation, like every organisation, business, and household in the UK, […]
The PM has done right by British business, but what about struggling families?
With schools and nurseries closing and people facing lay-offs and cuts in pay, hard-up Brits need more help to get their families through the corona crisis. Even before coronavirus, four million children lived in poverty. Plenty of readers know the headaches of juggling growing bills and shrinking pay. Boris Johnson has rightly stepped in to […]
Finding new ways to fight malnutrition
In January 2019 I returned from maternity leave. Everything was feeling strange, and it was a wrench leaving my baby for the first time. I vividly remember my first meeting, which was with Robert Glick OBE, chair of our newly formed Global Malnutrition Initiative Board: a group of socially minded philanthropists seeking to raise £20 […]
Loud, Clear – and Informed: Time to listen to Africa’s children and young people
My biggest impression from the recent Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development is the exuberant energy of children and young people.
From Guess-Work to Evidence – a new SDG indicator on pro-poor public spending
The UN Statistical Commission has just approved an indicator to measure public money spent on the world’s poorest people. Its impact on global efforts to eradicate poverty could be profound.
Evidence for scale: a partnership to tackle pneumonia in Nigeria
Our five new partnership research papers give extensive and directly applicable evidence on what works in reducing childhood pneumonia in Nigeria.
Reflections from the CEO on the Charity Commission report findings
Save the Children UK accepts in full the Charity Commission inquiry report’s findings – and we are committed to using the report to continue to strengthen our organisation to build a culture fully aligned to the values underpinning our mission. To view the full Charity Commission report click here The inquiry has found that we […]
Coronavirus: beyond the hype
The impact of an outbreak of coronavirus on children in countries with weak health systems could be severe.
What I’ve learnt from SUN nutrition champions
The SUN CSN Secretariat, along with our West and Central African nutrition champions, Action Contre La Faim, and representatives of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, have been working hard over the past few months to make sure that our West and Central Africa regional workshop is a resounding success. We are currently in Abidjan […]
From lip-service to genuine accountability: how to monitor the pledge to Leave No One Behind
A report released today on the Sustainable Development Goals offers a message of hope. It suggests governments are starting to step up their efforts to meet the SDGs and ensure no one is left behind.
Fighting to protect children from the devastation of war
States are debating a Political Declaration to address harm to civilians and civilian infrastructure when explosive weapons are used in towns and cities.
A child reflects on the latest Israeli airstrikes on Gaza
On the 12th November, in just a 24-hour period, Israeli airstrikes on Gaza and rockets fired into Israel resulted in the death of at least 34 Palestinians, including eight children. Some of the victims were within the same family. Al-Zahraa*, 16, sent us her reflections on this latest escalation and the impact it has had […]
It’s time to stop the war on children
On Friday, world leaders will gather at the annual Munich Security Conference to discuss global security issues. Ahead of this meeting, Save the Children have released a new report ‘Stop the War on Children 2020: Gender Matters’ which reveals the continuing intensification of conflict for children. The report shows that not only has the number […]
Unleash Youth Power: Children against FGM in Ethiopia
In a school hidden from view in the walled city of Harar, something revolutionary is happening. Girls and boys are taking a stand against the devastating practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). Led by ten-year-old Saada* “I THOUGHT I WOULD LOSE HER” “My friend came to me and said she was getting circumcised,” says Saada*, […]
A critical shot in the fight against deadly childhood pneumonia
Approval of a new pneumococcal vaccine that promises lower immunisation costs has unleashed a powerful new weapon in the fight against childhood pneumonia.
Stopping pneumonia – the biggest child killer
Five years ago governments made an important promise to the world’s children. Enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world’s ambitious but achievable targets for 2030 embraced by 193 countries, is a pledge to end the scourge of preventable child deaths. Redeeming the pledge will take a concerted drive to combat pneumonia, the deadliest […]
The world must act on childhood pneumonia
At the first ever global forum on pneumonia, leading agencies including Save the Children and UNICEF are meeting to boost efforts in the fight against the disease. This comes after new analysis from Johns Hopkins University found that nine million lives could be saved by scaling up the fight against the childhood pneumonia. PNEUMONIA DEATHS […]
Can prosperity really be mutual?
Aid is often described as an investment and, of course, it should be. But the return on investment should not be about profits for the UK. Rather, it must be to help transform the lives of the poorest children and communities.
Gavi at 20 years – Delivering on the promise of immunisation: How far have we come?
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has helped immunise 760 million children. But one child in ten is unvaccinated. Continued and increased investment is needed.
If you want a window on the condition of children in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, there is no better vantage point than the Katanga health centre in the impoverished northern state of Jigawa. In a makeshift hut that passes for a nutrition clinic, a group of 25 women wait with their children. Tiny bodies bearing […]
Crisis update: Venezuela
They’ve lost their homes and most of their money, so we’re providing destitute families with vital aid. The economic and political crisis in Venezuela has plunged 90% of the population into poverty, creating an acute humanitarian crisis. More than 4 million people have left the country since 2015, and this number is only expected to […]
Hold the front page: Tomal’s* dreams of being a writer
Living in a refugee camp is no barrier to Tomal making his dream of becoming a writer a reality Tomal* is one of almost a million Rohingya who’ve fled violence back home in Myanmar, and are now living in Cox’s Bazaar refugee camp in Bangladesh. The 14-year-old is determined to record his people’s stories and […]
6 simple tips to make 2020 an even better year
Inspired by the wisdom of children, here are 6 simple tips we can all live by to make 2020 an even better year. Presenting our Janifesto 2020: 1. Stay Generous Patrick* took part in our creative workshops in a refugee camp in Uganda, where he lives. When war broke out in South Sudan, Patrick had […]
What do the political parties’ manifestos mean for children?
The political environment feels deeply divided. But when it comes to providing for children, the main UK parties’ manifestos share a lot of similar themes.
Pneumonia – the forgotten epidemic
Pneumonia is the world’s deadliest disease but it’s often a forgotten epidemic. Every year it kills more children than any other illness. To put this into context, one child dies from pneumonia every 39 seconds.Despite these horrific stats, many people don’t realise the huge, damaging affect the disease has on children. A recent poll […]
Parents’ perspectives on supporting their children’s learning
Friday 18th October marked the launch of Save the Children’s new report, “How are you meant to help?” Parents’ perspectives on supporting their children’s learning. The launch took place in ‘London’s living room’ in City Hall, with early years practitioners, schools, children’s centre staff, and parents present. The report rationale Save the Children’s work in […]
Supporting Early Learning in West London
Mornings in Feltham, west London, start like any other town centre. The high street is bustling, teeming with parents taking children on scooters to primary school. Warm and friendly staff in the local coffee shop serve bleary eyed people on their way to work. Beside a duck filled pond, the star of Freddie Mercury holds […]
Coaching for Life
Claire Milligan, a Senior Child Protection Adviser at Save the Children discusses the Coaching for Life program and how we are supporting girls across the world. With more refugees and internally displaced people in the world today than ever before and an ever-expanding global poverty gap, children are increasingly exposed to conflict, trauma and violence.
Back to school in Bangladesh’s largest brothel
Back to school in Bangladesh’s largest brothel ‘Home’. For me, it means lazy Sunday mornings cooking breakfast in my pyjamas. A hot bath. My mum’s cauliflower cheese.For 13-year-old Aahna*, home means something entirely different. The small bedroom she shares with five other girls is more than just a place to live. It is her chance for a brighter future.
Eglantyne Jebb: the woman who saved the children
Eglantyne Jebb’s award-winning biographer, Clare Mulley, blogs about the woman and the work that inspired her, in Save the Children’s centenary year…100 years and one day since Eglantyne Jebb and her sister Dorothy Buxton launched Save the Children at a packed public meeting at the Royal Albert Hall, I was very moved to see […]
Using Innovation to Save Lives
How are Save the Children using innovation to save lives? Through our partnership with GSK, we’re bringing together our unique skills and resources to find new ways to help stop children dying from preventable diseases. Save the Children has 100 years of experience in supporting some of the world’s most vulnerable children. GSK is a […]
How to fundraise for a Marathon
We asked one of our London Marathon runners, Tasmia Baig, to share her top tips on how to fundraise for a challenge event – whether you’re keen to try a 10K or go for a full marathon, Save the Children will support you every step of the way, and the money you raise could help save children’s lives. […]
Tackling mental health in refugee education
In 2019, Save the Children and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) joined forces to launch an innovative initiative, called Transforming Refugee Education Towards Excellence (TREE). This five-year joint effort will tackle trauma and address the urgent learning needs of children in refugee crises. Utilising J-WEL’s expertise in teacher […]
Mums on a mission go to Parliament to #MakeChildcareWork: Aneita’s story
Aneita got involved with our “Make Childcare Work” campaign after reading about the struggles of a group of women. Find out Aneita’s story.
Keeping schools safe from disasters in the Philippines
The Asia Pacific region is one of the most disaster-prone areas in the world, experiencing nearly half of the world’s natural disasters in the past decade. Around 200 million children living in this region, are at risk of losing their lives, their livelihood or face displacement from their homes because of natural disasters. These disasters […]
The future of charity shops is radical
If you think charity shops are just a place to drop off unwanted clothes or pick up a bargain, think again. Thousands of shoppers come through our doors every week with a fire in their bellies to change the world. Our conversations on the shop floor suggest that, given the chance to take campaigning action […]
Five trends in today’s youth activism
Want to know what you can learn from today’s youth activism?Here are five key trends from the global youth climate movement and March for our Lives.1. They are the heroes Young activist involved in these movements are real heroes. We want them to succeed and we want to support them. We love them […]
Childcare under Universal Credit isn’t working for parents. Here’s how we fix it.
With the government struggling to establish a parliamentary majority capable of unlocking the complexities behind our national Brexit conundrum, there’s another big problem with an obvious solution they could adopt tomorrow. Right now, millions of the poorest parents in our country are struggling to meet childcare costs. Many of these parents are eligible for childcare […]
Our new policy on sexual orientation and gender identity
Just in time for the London Pride march this Saturday, Save the Children has approved its new global policy on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGIE).
The UK’s report card on the Sustainable Development Goals
Next month, the UK will join 46 other countries in reporting on its progress on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. So, what grade has it given itself?
“We are displaced” – reflections on Malala’s latest book
Polling conducted in 2018 found that three in ten Brits think refugees get too much help in the UK, compared to just 18% who think the opposite. The older you are, or the more right-wing you are, the likelier you are to think that refugees receive too much assistance. Culture Wars divide us in so […]
We need people to access health services at the right time, not wait until pain or suffering forces them to borrow money or sell assets, and the condition has become too serious.
How UK Programmes are tackling maths anxiety in young learners
What is maths anxiety and why does it matter? Research just published by the Centre for Neuroscience in Education at the University of Cambridge highlights the grim experience of ‘mathematics anxiety’ among children in the UK (Carey et al, 2019). It’s there in early primary school, and it gets worse at secondary school. The researchers […]
Innovation and development: What I learnt from going back to university
As the saying goes, you’re never too old to learn. Something I was reminded of recently when listening to a debate on Innovation and Development, run by University College London’s Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy. Not only did I meet an enthusiastic and outspoken group of students, but I learnt a few […]
Child poverty in the UK rising to record levels
Today’s child poverty figures show that child poverty in the UK is increasing across the board, and that the youngest children continue to be most at risk.Our analysis shows that since 2010, over 400,000 more children in households with children under 5 are in poverty, an increase of over a quarter over this period. […]
Why Britain should give aid to non-democracies
What follows is not an apology for tyranny. Abusive governments must be challenged wherever possible. But we won’t do this by withdrawing aid from non-democracies.
The STOP Diarrhoea Initiative: Glamorous no, lifesaving yes.
Global Hand washing day and World Toilet day raise awareness of the facts and the essential interventions to prevent death and disease from water borne disease. These days aren’t glamorous, but they are fun and effective ways to prevent diarrhoea. The stats speak for themselves Diarrhoea causes 8% of under-five deaths; diarrhoea and pneumonia combined […]
Meet Kevin: Yusef asks our CEO the tough questions
11 year old Yusef is an inspiration to us here at Save the Children. He’s raised over £2,000 and has dedicated every birthday since he was 8 to helping less fortunate children through our work. We couldn’t think of anyone better, as we mark our centenary, to interview our CEO Kevin Watkins about the past, […]
A child soldier’s Guiding Light: Michael, South Sudan
Meet Michael. He is a project manager helping young people from South Sudan turn away from violence and their history as child soldiers towards jobs that transform their lives. “We can’t count on past generations. The only people we have left are the young.” Save the Children project manager, Michael, knows that the teenagers at […]
How do disasters like the Indonesia Tsunami impact mental health?
Prioritising emotional healthcare canaccelerate recoveryDisasters result in bitter memories. Psychological suffering manifests instantly and if left unaddressed, often remains for a long time.If ignored, disasters may leave lasting scars on human minds and simple measures can go a long way to help the minds of those affected.The tsunami and the earthquake. The tsunami and the earthquake […]
Mind the gap – getting our children ready for school
Parents across the country are battening down the emotional hatches, staying calm and trying to exude an air of quiet confidence. The reason: this week is the moment thousands of parents have waved goodbye at the school gates to children starting their first day at primary school. This is a moment of joy, celebration and […]
Celebrating the role of midwives!
Today, International Day of the Midwife celebrates the essential role that midwives play, all over the world, in assisting women and their newborn during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Hundreds of thousands of women still die every year due to complications in pregnancy and childbirth – an estimated 830 women a day. And despite […]
Ironing your name onto your running vest: a quick how-to
What’s in a name? Well, if it’s ironed onto your running vest… A LOT.Here’s why:Our Save the Children cheering team will know what to shout out when you run, walk or hobble past us.Your friends and family won’t forget what you’re called in all the excitement.You’ll have a personalised memento of the time you took on a challenge to transform children’s lives… and succeeded.
Pneumonia: the silent killer
On World Health Day, we’re drawing attention to what remains the largest infectious cause of child deaths globally – pneumonia. Here are a few facts and thoughts about this silent killer.
10 ways to help young kids get ahead before starting school
Mums and dads: want to help your child learn and have fun this summer? Top child psychologist Dr Elizabeth Kilby has developed ten top tips to help your young kids – especially those starting school in September – to get ahead over the holidays.
Seven steps to eliminate diarrhoea
Diarrhoea is one of the main killers of babies and young children globally. We know how to tackle it. But a step change is needed. Our Stop Diarrhoea initiatives are leading the way.
Why we don’t support orphanage volunteering
The idea of “giving back” while on holiday, gap year, or a career break is becoming increasingly common. One of the most popular types of volunteering is working in orphanages – spending time caring for or teaching young children who are living in residential care. But here at Save the Children, we’ve been getting increasingly concerned about this trend and what it means for vulnerable children.