Celebrating Refugee Teachers: Championing their Voices
This World Teachers’ Day 2024 is an opportunity to spotlight a group of educators whose exceptional contributions to their communities often go unrecognised.
What progress has been made since the 2022 Transforming Education Summit?
Six reflections from the TES stocktake
Banking on Education: Why the World Bank's IDA21 Replenishment Matters for Global Education
Global leaders must take advantage of this year's IDA21 replenishment to raise resources for education.
Education Saves Lives: why is it neglected in crisis response?
Save the Children calls on partners at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks in Geneva to recognize the lifesaving role of education in emergency settings.
Ensuring education for Refugees
Accountability for the pledges made at the second Global Refugee Forum is the most important next step to ensure success on education for refugees.
A look back at 2023
A look back at some of the amazing achievements made possible for children every minute, every day, all around the world.
Build Forward Better 2023
Today Save the Children have launched our Build Forward Better 2023 briefing which includes the third iteration of our Risks to Education Country Index.
One Month Until the Global Refugee Forum
Save the Children UK is calling on donors to commit sufficient funding to educate the world's refugees at this year's Global Refugee Forum.
From one mother to another
Taking action: How we can help support mothers, caregivers and families in the best way through the challenges they face
Why we need to talk about Lebanon
Lebanon is facing multiple shocks and long-standing challenges. Our Director of Partnerships and Philanthropy explains why, and how you can help.
Unlocking funding to educate refugee children
New analysis in our report The Price of Hope shows the growing funding gap for refugee education is exacerbated by worsening debt burdens.
What I Learned at the CIES Conference
Each year, the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) conference brings together thousands of education experts. Here's three things we learnt this year.
What next for the 222 million children whose education is disrupted by emergencies?
Multiple crises are denying children their right to education and they are demanding world leaders do better.
World Book Day and the magic of Wonderbooks
How Wonderbooks can help your kids make sense of the world around them
Save the Children and Aardman: Home
Inspired by the real-life stories of children, the short film from Aardman tells a story about how child refugees feel and what it’s like to be away from home
Children in emergencies are demanding their right to education
"You cannot be at war and go to school." Children told us the profound effect crises like conflict and climate change are having on their education.
All Eyes on Scotland's Emergency Budget
Suzi Murning looks at what policies the Scottish Government should announce as part of the Emergency Budget Review to protect children living in poverty.
Hunger what's really happening in east africa...
George Mutwiri, Save the Children’s Head of Nutrition, gives an exclusive topical briefing on our work to tackle malnutrition in east Africa.
Three easy ways to help children in East Africa
We all have the power to affect change. Let's use that power to take action for the 1.7 million children suffering from extreme hunger in East Africa.
The 5 golden rules for raising a global citizen
All you need to raise a child without unconscious bias.
Choosing to have children despite the climate crisis
Choosing to bring new life into an uncertain future is never an easy decision to make - but the hope and possibility that all children bring can be galvanising.
Wonderbooks - teaching kids about the world through books
Wonderbooks help parents and caregivers talk to kids about the issues facing real life kids around the world - helping them learn about big topics facing children.
Talking about distressing current events with kids
When there are upsetting events in the news or in the local community, children may see, hear or read things that cause them anxiety or distress. Help them understand.
6 months on in Afghanistan
The stories behind the photographs by world-renowned photographer Jim Hoylebroek highlighting the human tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan.
International Day of Education
Now, at the start of 2022 and on the International Day of Education, we are asking leaders to renew their energy and commitment to keeping education on the agenda.
Why the Autumn Budget must be the first step on the road to investing in children's futures
In last week’s Budget, the Chancellor announced a set of measures for working families. This is good news - but families still face a difficult winter.
Children and the climate crisis - Sahra's story
For Sahra, the climate crisis is already here. Her childhood and her future are under threat from weather extremes brought on by climate change.
Promoting Teacher Wellbeing
Supporting teachers’ wellbeing is the first step to making sure they can give children the help they need.
Equity in education
Data from GRID can inform strategies and programmes to foster equity in children’s school readiness and learning outcomes.
The journey to better: One year on from our Solidarity Statement
One staff member reflects on working for Save the Children as the organisation continues its commitment to diversity, inclusion and anti-racism. Read more.
Tomorrow is now: 2020 Annual Report
Today, we publish our 2020 Annual Report and I’m incredibly proud of what my colleagues have achieved over the past year, through resilience, solidarity, and teamwork.
How our nutritional programme is helping children like Lela
Our Nutrition Embedding Evaluation Programme in Malawi is supporting families like Rhoda and her daughter Lela to grow their own crops.
Shining a much-needed spotlight on the education needs of internally displaced children
Our new report puts forward 12 recommendations for governments to meet the education needs of children forced to leave their homes but who remain within their country.
One year of lockdown
Today, 23rd March 2021, marks exactly a year since the UK first went into lockdown.
Close the financing gap to prevent irreversible impacts of lost learning
If the UK Government is to live up to its promises, it must step up its own global education financing and ensure children – especially girls - safely return to school.
2021: Optimism and Change
For those of us who believe in child rights and universal rights more widely, this is a time to demonstrate that human solidarity can make a difference.
Kevin Watkins, CEO of Save the Children UK, takes a look back at the year and offers some rays of hope for 2021.
5 urgent investments to get all children back to school and learning
Our plan sets out 5 evidence-based actions for governments to ensure children whose education has been disrupted by the pandemic can safely return to school.
Meeting our promises to educate refugees during COVID-19
Education ‘stole the show’ at the first ever Global Refugee Forum, Twelve months on, we face a global education emergency brought on by the COVID-19.
Anjali, 15, meets ministers at the #SaveourEducation Global hangout
In autumn 2020, Anjali, 15, discussed the global education COVID-19 response with key ministers including Baroness Sugg and Karina Gould. Here are her reflections,
From "Decade of Delivery” to “Lost Decade”
New analysis suggests that planned investment in children’s health, education and wellbeing in countries across the world will not be enough.
Finn, 14, asks to protect his generation from more inequality
In autumn 2020, Finn (14) discussed the global education COVID-19 response with key ministers including Baroness Sugg and Karina Gould. Here are his reflections,
UK leadership on girls’ education can’t be realised without tackling global child poverty
The UK government must use its leadership role to address the global learning crisis for millions of children, especially girls, who may never return to the classroom.
Children show their strength as the DRC adapts to Covid-19
People living in precarious conditions in the DRC cannot cope with the further threats of COVID-19. But children are showing their ingenuity at this time of crisis.
Save our Education: New report on an education emergency
The UK can play a significant role in bringing the world together to protect education during this time of crisis, by pushing for a coordinated and ambitious response.
The changing face of COVID-19: a live tracker of its impact on children
New research and estimates on the potential socio-economic impact of COVID-19 across child poverty, health & nutrition, education and protection.
If you want a window on the condition of children in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, there is no better vantage point than the Katanga health centre in the impoverished northern state of Jigawa. In a makeshift hut that passes for a nutrition clinic, a group of 25 women wait with their children. Tiny bodies bearing […]
Back to school in Bangladesh’s largest brothel
Back to school in Bangladesh’s largest brothel ‘Home’. For me, it means lazy Sunday mornings cooking breakfast in my pyjamas. A hot bath. My mum’s cauliflower cheese.For 13-year-old Aahna*, home means something entirely different. The small bedroom she shares with five other girls is more than just a place to live. It is her chance for a brighter future.
Keeping schools safe from disasters in the Philippines
The Asia Pacific region is one of the most disaster-prone areas in the world, experiencing nearly half of the world’s natural disasters in the past decade. Around 200 million children living in this region, are at risk of losing their lives, their livelihood or face displacement from their homes because of natural disasters. These disasters […]
Innovation and development: What I learnt from going back to university
As the saying goes, you’re never too old to learn. Something I was reminded of recently when listening to a debate on Innovation and Development, run by University College London’s Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy. Not only did I meet an enthusiastic and outspoken group of students, but I learnt a few […]
Mind the gap – getting our children ready for school
Parents across the country are battening down the emotional hatches, staying calm and trying to exude an air of quiet confidence. The reason: this week is the moment thousands of parents have waved goodbye at the school gates to children starting their first day at primary school. This is a moment of joy, celebration and […]