5 ways to help a child with back to school anxiety
It's so hard when children get worried about things. All we want to do is help reassure them, but sometimes simple reassurance just doesn’t do the trick. When that anxiety is around going back to school, it’s even more tricky. We can’t just not let them go – and it's horrible to think of them feeling sad when we’re not there to support them.
Delivering childcare for all children
The latest childcare report from IPPR (The Childcare Challenge: How can the government deliver a real childcare guarantee), commissioned by Save the Children UK, was published this week. It comes at a critical time as just last week the UK Government announced their aim for 75% of children to be ‘school ready’ by 2028, up from 68%.This target reflects a shift in focus for the UK Government from childcare to child development and has the potential to make a real difference to the lives of children in the UK. Good quality childcare is critical not just because it enables parents to access paid employment, but because it has the power to address inequalities children face before they enter school.Given the importance of childcare in families’ lives, it’s deeply concerning that the findings in this new report reveal that only one third of the poorest fifth of parents with young children use formal childcare, compared with two-thirds of those in the highest earning households. This is in part due to the lack of childcare places and the lower quality of childcare in more deprived areas as well as the exclusion of some families from the funded hours offer. The challenges facing the childcare sector could undermine the Government’s target around school-readiness and see the attainment gap between children experiencing financial disadvantage compared with those who aren’t increasing
Five things you need to know about Sudan
Through the eyes of our colleagues in Sudan, we look at five things you need to know and explore what needs to happen to restore hope.
Hands off our Rights!
The health and wellbeing of women, girls, and the LGBTQI+ community is under threat from a globally coordinated and well-funded attack on their rights.
Celebrating Refugee Teachers: Championing their Voices
This World Teachers’ Day 2024 is an opportunity to spotlight a group of educators whose exceptional contributions to their communities often go unrecognised.
The WHO Civil Society Commission: A Quiet Revolution
The launch of the Civil Society Commission by the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) in September 2023 was a historic moment.
18 UK organisations respond to Government's partial arms suspension
Following the Government’s decision to suspend some arms licences to Israel, 18 UK charities and organisations have issued the following statement.
The UK must fully suspend arms sales to the Government of Israel
Israeli forces have rained bombs down on Gaza, killing more than 14,000 Palestinian children. These bombs are being dropped from planes made with British parts.
Season’s Bleatings. Shaun the Sheep needs ewe!
This year Shaun the Sheep has taken on a new fleece of life in the hope of encouraging schools and youth groups to sign up and take part in Christmas Jumper Day.
Only by driving down rates of child poverty will we close the attainment gap
This year's Scottish high school exam results show many things, and depending on who is doing the looking there is both good and bad news to be seen.
Banking on Education: Why the World Bank's IDA21 Replenishment Matters for Global Education
Global leaders must take advantage of this year's IDA21 replenishment to raise resources for education.
I’ve seen Gaza’s horrors – now is not the time for the world to look away
Sacha Myers, Save the Children's Media Manager, spent 2 weeks in Gaza at the end of April. This is what she witnessed.
Fuelling Hope: IDA21 Amidst a Global Food & Nutrition Security Crisis
2024 is a chance to shape the 21st replenishment of IDA and an opportunity for IDA recipient governments to articulate a strong demand for nutrition financing.
NIGERIA: One in six children set to go hungry as kidnappings, conflict and rising prices push food out of reach
Around 15.6 million – children in Nigeria are facing hunger in the lead up to the lean season starting in June, according to a new analysis by Save the Children.
Seven Years of the Two Child Limit
It has now been seven years since the introduction of two-child limit, or Sibling Tax. This policy is one of the main drivers of rising child poverty in the country.
Progress on child poverty has stalled - so what now?
Blog on the newest child poverty figures for Scotland detailing the fact that child poverty levels have not improved despite investment in the Scottish Child Payment.
Shining a Light on the Inequalities Faced by Single Parent Families
This Single Parents' Day, Save the Children is highlighting the inequalities they face in Government funded childcare. Find out more.
Alternative aid delivery in Gaza: children do not have time to wait - Save the Children
Children in Gaza dying from starvation and disease cannot wait for the time it may take to build a temporary port off the Strip, or hope for aid dropped out of planes.
Women and children fleeing deadly violence in eastern DRC have reported surviving gruesome sexual attacks and genital mutilation by armed men.
Morgan Stanley and Save the Children UK announce new five-year commitment to help families hardest hit by cost-of-living crisis
Morgan Stanley and Save the Children UK have announced a new commitment to support families hardest hit by the cost-of-living crisis.
New Year, New Opportunities: How the UK Can Lead in Preventing Future Zambia-like Debt Crises
Hear from Diana how the UK can seize a pivotal opportunity to address global debt crises by enacting legislation to ensure private creditors offer comparable relief.
From Climate Anxiety to Climate Action: Meet Lola
Lola- one of our Changemaker Leaders- explains why she volunteers, and the importance of a fossil-fuel phase out for both planetary and personal health.
'We need to move beyond the drama and make up for the lost years' - Save the Children NI
For 24 months families across Northern Ireland have been dealing with one of the deepest cost-of-living crises in living memory without a functioning local government.
Taking on the Climate Crisis: Meet Michelle
Changemaker Leader Michelle talks about why climate action is so important to her.
Child lock what the UK government can do to secure children’s futures
Meghan Meek - O'Connor, Senior Policy advisor, sets out why we need a Child Lock - a 'double lock' spending on children's social security entitlements.
Why we can’t wait for progress on closing the attainment gap
Fiona King, Snr Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Save the Children looks at the latest attainment gap figures in Scotland.
A look back at 2023
A look back at some of the amazing achievements made possible for children every minute, every day, all around the world.
There is nowhere safe for children to go in Gaza
Jason Lee, Save the Children's Country Director in the occupied Palestinian territory, explains why children and families need a definitive ceasefire now.
Changing the story about child poverty in Scotland
At Save the Children, we are working with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to change the story about child poverty in Scotland.
Five things we learned about conducting participatory research with parents
Reflections from our work with our Margate partner, Beyond the Page, who support migrant mothers across Thanet.
GAZA: Repeated diplomatic failures continue to cost thousands of children’s lives says Save the Children ahead of UN Security Council meeting
The international community’s failure to agree on a ceasefire is costing thousands of lives, as the United Nations Security Council prepares to meet tomorrow.
Gift for good this Christmas thanks to our partners
Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day is on 7 December, here’s a round-up of amazing products and brands which are supporting the annual festive campaign.
Becoming a results focused organisation
Becoming a results focused organisation - reflections from the Sierra Leone Education Innovation Challenge