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Statement welcoming UK recognising acts of genocide against Yazidis

1 Aug 2023 Global

Gwen Hines, Chief Executive of Save the Children UK, said:

“We welcome today’s announcement by the UK Government recognising that acts of genocide were committed against the Yazidi community in Iraq. This is an important act of global leadership that will further the cause of justice for Yazidi children and families.

“Yazidi children endured unspeakable suffering at the hands of ISIS, including systematic sexual violence and forced recruitment. Half of all Yazidis killed were children.

“Nine years on, children still bear the emotional impact of the traumatic experiences they endured or witnessed. Many face ongoing displacement and lack of access to basic services.

“It is vital that international efforts to secure justice for the Yazidis have children at the heart, and that Yazidi children receive the specialist mental health services, education, and reintegration support they need to heal and recover.