CARDIFF, 8 November 2023:
Melanie Simmonds, head of Save the Children Cymru said:
" We welcome the news that the Senedd has decided to back the call for an immediate ceasefire. Aid cannot be delivered under fire, and the catastrophic conditions facing 2.3 million Palestinian civilians, half of whom are children, cannot be addressed merely by a pause.
“We are running out of words to raise the alarm in strong enough terms or to articulate the scale of children’s suffering.
“There must be a ceasefire. Every day of violence means more mental and physical scars that will last a lifetime.”
Meddai Melanie Simmonds, pennaeth Achub y Plant Cymru:
“ Rydym yn croesawu’r newyddion bod y Senedd wedi penderfynu cefnogi’r alwad am gadoediad ar unwaith.
“Nid yw saib yn ddigonol i allu darparu y cymorth sydd ei angen a mynd i’r afael â’r amodau trychinebus sy’n wynebu 2.3 miliwn o drigolion Palestina, hanner ohonynt yn blant.
“Mae dod o hyd i’r geiriau o ran mynegi maint y dioddefaint y mae plant yn ei brofi yn mynd yn anoddach pob dydd.
“Rhaid cael cadoediad. Mae pob diwrnod o drais yn golygu mwy o greithiau meddyliol a chorfforol a fydd yn para am oes.”