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Find the answers to your questions about donating below. If you need to contact us, get in touch at [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 7012 6400.

Can I get a refund on my donation?

At Save the Children, we work hard to ensure you have a trouble-free journey when making a donation and we want to make it as smooth as possible.  However we realise that sometimes errors can happen. 

Under charity law, charities are not permitted to refund donations, other than in specific circumstances.  The Charities Act 2011 can be found here.

However, there may be an occasion when you need to speak to one of our Supporter Care Team to discuss your donation.  Please email us at [email protected] or give us a call on 020 7012 6400. 

We’re a friendly bunch and we’ll ask you a few questions to determine what’s happened so that we can help in any way that we can.

We are committed to the highest standards of legal compliance and we treat all requests for refunds with the utmost importance.

Your concerns are important to us and we want to reassure you that we’ll update you every step of the way.

Before we are able to consider your request, we will need some paperwork from you as we can’t proceed without it. 

Once we receive everything, we can then advise you of how long things will take – usually 7-10 working days.

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to reclaim the tax that you have already paid on your donations through income tax or capital gains tax. All donations (excluding those made through the Charities Aid Foundation and payroll giving), made in the last four years are eligible for the scheme - including regular gifts such as standing orders and direct debits.

I am a pensioner, do my donations qualify?

You may still be paying tax on a private pension plan or a savings account, or capital gains tax if you sell either some property or shares. You are still eligible if you have paid enough tax during the year to cover the amount we are reclaiming on your donations.

What if I have agreed to Gift Aid to another charity?

You can support as many UK charities as you like through Gift Aid. All you need to do is to return a declaration to each charity that you support and ensure that you are paying enough tax during the year to cover your total annual donations.

Do I have to make a declaration for every gift?

No. You just need fill out a Gift Aid declaration and date it - then it will cover donations you have already made to Save the Children and any donations you make in the future. There is no extra paperwork - we deal with the tax office to reclaim the tax. All we need is your form.

What if I pay tax at a higher rate? Can Save the Children claim back the full amount?

Unfortunately not, we can only claim back tax at the basic rate. But you can request a rebate for the difference when you submit your tax returns and you can then opt to donate this to a charity of your choice.

Can it apply to donations to one of your shops?

Yes. You can ask to fill in a Gift Aid declaration form in any of our shops. Please read our Retail terms and conditions for more information.

Can I call you if I have any further questions?

Sure you can. If you have any further questions - or if your circumstances change - please call our friendly Customer Services team on 020 7012 6400, or email us at [email protected]