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You can support children in the UK and around the world in a number of ways. You can give flexibly, support our appeals or Emergency Fund, or allocate your funding to particular areas, such as the Global Malnutrition Initiative or Women’s Network and Girls’ Impact Fund


Funding from our philanthropists has also played a vital part in an incredible collective effort to support children, including through specific programmes funded by transformational level gifts. Below are some examples of the work our philanthropists have supported at Save the Children.



Tobbell programme

In Pujehun, we supported 10 schools to develop and implement education and child protection activities - with the aim of  helping marginalised girls and boys to complete primary education.

At the end of the programme, the National Primary School Exams pass rate across the 10 schools had increased from 54% in 2018 to 91% in 2020. 7 targeted schools are now listed as government-approved schools and are therefore eligible to receive subsidies for school improvement and other needs.

One volunteer teacher explained the impact the project has had: “When it came to government support, they just did not consider the needs of children in riverine communities. The people here really did not see the benefit of education for their children, so they focused on fishing and farming and saw this as the only means if livelihood for their children as well. Since the Kimi project this has changed.”


Save the Children and the MIT Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL), in partnership with the Jordan Ministry of Education, and with funding from Community Jameel, Dubai Cares and Hikma Pharmaceuticals launched an innovative programme, Transforming Refugee Education towards Excellence (TREE) in 2019. 

TREE is dramatically contributing towards changing teaching and learning approaches and outcomes in Jordan. TREE focuses on strengthening the national teacher professional development system, supporting teachers’ wellbeing and resilience, so that they can manage their own wellbeing and their students’ wellbeing – and improve learning outcomes in classrooms.

The Jordanian Ministry of Education has agreed to integrate TREE into Jordan’s national teacher professional development framework, and due to the strength of programme design, we have been able to increase collaborators and stakeholders, including the World Bank, USAID funded projects, universities and research institutes.


Maisie in Feltham

Maisie in the Reach Academy allotment in Feltham - Save the Children provided her family with food vouchers and early learning packs during lockdown.

Feltham has some of the most severe child poverty rates across the country and is in the 10% most deprived areas in England. Supported by our philanthropists, Save the Children has partnered with the Reach Foundation, which runs an ages 0-19 academy school and a range of wraparound family services in Feltham.

The programme focuses on: increasing availability of, and access to, services; developing the workforce; and fostering the community. One parent said: “when you’re in a group together of parents you realise that almost everyone is going through the same thing, everyone is learning from you, when you had nothing to give.”

To date this programme reaches approximately 1,500 vulnerable children each year in Feltham, with over 100 pregnant or new parents accessing perinatal provision, and over 50 parents with children aged 0-5 participating in our parenting groups.


Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have been supporting Save the Children since 2016. To date, players have raised over £11.5 million, which has had an incredible impact for children around the world. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an unprecedented global crisis in education. Some 1.6 billion children’s learning was disrupted for months in 2020 when schools were closed, and the disruptions continue today. Millions of marginalized children in poorer countries, those whose families have suffered from the economic shock of the pandemic, children in refugee camps and war zones, or who are disabled may never return to learning. Worldwide, decades of progress in education for all children is in danger of being reversed. 

Recent funding awarded by the Postcode Education Trust, who People’s Postcode Lottery manage lotteries for, has supported education programming in Uganda and Iraq, as well as our wider Safe Back to School initiative, helping to safely return over 150 million children in over 60 countries to school and back to learning through direct programs, coordination with other education stakeholders and advocacy. We can’t sit back and watch as COVID-19 deprives children of the future they deserve. Together with players of People’s Postcode Lottery we can make sure children everywhere receive a good-quality education and every opportunity to achieve their hopes and potential. 

If you'd like to know more, please contact the team by emailing [email protected] or calling 020 7012 6400.