Margaret and her husband John have chosen to include a gift in their Wills to Save the Children.
Giving a future of hope for generations of children to come, no matter where they live or their background.
Here Margaret explains why supporting Save the Children with a legacy is important to her.
Remembering others
For Margaret, her decision is rooted in her childhood and upbringing.
“There are certain values that you are taught as a child – about sharing and giving and trying not to be too selfish."
"My parents were compassionate, caring people who taught me that there were children who were a lot worse off than me.”
As a child Margaret remembers being deeply affected by news stories and images of children who were severely malnourished as a result of conflict in Biafra, Nigeria.
“I seem to remember giving some pocket money towards the emergency aid appeals,” she says.
“From then on, I developed an ethos of supporting others."
"As I began to progress in my own career and to free up some disposable income, I started to make regular donations to a mix of charities, with an emphasis on those supporting children.”

Children and mothers affected by civil war and famine in Biafra, Nigeria, at Save the Children's clinic.
Choosing Save the Children
Margaret has volunteered with Save the Children and even visited our programme in Tanzania.
“I was impressed by the way Save the Children has a seat at the table, very often at government level. I was looking at a systemic and strategic level.”
“We’re impressed by Save the Children’s scale and reach, as the world’s largest independent organisation for children. And we like what the organisation stands for, its values and its global strategy.”
Margaret was also struck by what she saw of our direct work with children in communities.
“I was impressed at the ground level too. How staff in Save the Children projects talk to the children about their issues and what they want.”
“Save the Children talks to children about what they need rather than going in and imposing.”
I trust save the children
For Margaret, trust is critical. It’s about knowing her gift in her Will to Save the Children will be used in the right way. With her experience and knowledge of our work, it’s something she’s confident about.
“I have witnessed at first hand how the charity work and I trust Save the Children with my money – that they will spend it wisely to support children around the world.”
Hope for the future
"I have always had a strong sense of fair play. I get really, really upset about injustice. There are so many tragic things around the world that it's hard sometimes to maintain hope for the future."
"But when I look and see some of the things that Save the Children are doing; it does give me hope for the future, and restores your faith in human nature."
“I would like to see children have more freedom to develop and use their talents. Children should be free to grow up and carve out their own future."
“It’s important to invest in children’s futures because they are the future of the world.”

Margaret is leaving a gift in her will to Save the Children
Want to learn more? Request your Free Gifts in Wills Guide

We’ve made it our mission to help children – especially those at risk of being left behind – get a healthy start, be safe from harm, and have the chance to learn.
But we cannot do this alone. Every year legacies from gifts in Wills generate millions of pounds, helping us invest in ground-breaking programmes, helping children and communities in the UK and around the world.
Find out how you can leave a gift in your Will to Save the Children with our free Gifts in Wills guide - available by email or via post.
We're here to help
If you want to talk to someone at Save the Children about leaving a gift in your Will or administering a Will, please contact us on 020 7012 6400 or email us at [email protected]