Why give your Zakat to Save the Children?
We're Shariah-compliant, so you can give your Zakat with peace of mind, knowing your donations will go towards helping the world's most marginalised children.
It could support those growing up through heart-breaking crises in places such as Afghanistan, Gaza, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.
We have worked closely with renowned and globally respected Islamic scholar, Sheikh Haytham Tamim, who has endorsed our Zakat policy with a Fatwa.
How your Zakat could help

Dioura*, 12, playing with friends at school in Niger
After her village in Niger was attacked by armed insurgents, and her school set on fire, Dioura*, 12, was forced to flee and lost everything – except hope, and compassion for others.
Despite everything she’s been through, Dioura has never lost belief in herself. “I would like to become a doctor when I finish my studies, to help people. I know myself: I am intelligent, a hard worker and merciful.”
We’re supporting Dioura to unlock her incredible potential.
Because no matter what unfair situation they find themselves in, children like Dioura deserve a fair chance at a better future.
This year, your Zakat could make that possible.
*Dioura's name has been changed to keep her safe.