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Today you can keep reaching children in crises

You're someone who cares about children – you've reached out with kindness when they need help or their lives are in danger. We'd like to contact you in the future with vital appeals, campaigns, information about how you can help reach the next child and inspiring updates on how your support saves lives.
You cannot make a donation if you are under 18, but you can do lots more. Please visit this page to see what you can do right now.
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We'd like to contact you in the future with vital fundraising appeals and information about campaigns, events, how you can help reach the next child and how your support saves lives. Please let us know that you are happy to be contacted in this way:

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We'd like to contact you in the future with vital appeals, campaigns, information about how you can help reach the next child and inspiring updates on how your support saves lives. Please respond today, to avoid missing out on these occasional, vital updates - so that, together, we can keep reaching children. Thank you.

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