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How regular giving helps children in Conflict

Tima* (26) holds her one-day-old baby

Tima* (26) holds her one-day-old baby Lana* at Save the Children's maternity unit in Gaza (*names changed to protect identity)

No child should have their lives destroyed by conflict. Your monthly donation could provide lifesaving medical care and fund the creation of safe spaces for children caught up in conflict around the world. 

Your donations mean we can deliver:

  • Mental health services to help children cope with trauma
  • Education through learning centres
  • Long-term medical care
  • Access to cash and food vouchers to empower families to choose how they support their children
  • Safe Spaces for Children to give them a sense of normality

1 in 6 children globally are living in conflicts they did not create. Your monthly donation can help give them a better future.

Since 7 October we've reached more than 764,000 people in Gaza.

Our teams are working around the clock to get vital supplies to children in Gaza, as well preparing to rebuild children's futures once the fighting stops.

With the continued escalation of violence in Lebanon, Save the Children are also responding to ongoing needs there, particularly for those who have been displaced.

No child should have their lives destroyed by conflict. Your monthly donation could provide lifesaving medical care and fund the creation of safe spaces for children caught up in conflict in Gaza and around the world.

Our work in Gaza

  • Alongside local partners, we’re distributing vital supplies to families across shelters and households. This includes: drinking water, food, hygiene products, mattresses, blankets, learning materials, toys, and games.
  • We’re providing communities with clean water through water trucking, installing latrines in shelters and conducting health and hygiene promotion sessions.
  • Alongside partners we are deploying staff to keep shelters clean, critical to helping keep disease outbreaks at bay.
  • We’re providing cash to families so they can buy food and any other essentials.
  • We’re running Child Friendly Spaces, ensuring children have a safe space to play, receive psychosocial support and escape from the traumatic experiences they’re enduring.
  • Our Emergency Health Unit is providing primary healthcare and maternal and newborn care and we’re screening and treating children for acute malnutrition.
  • We are providing much needed mental health and psychosocial support to children and their families.

Our work in Lebanon

  • Supporting shelters: we're ensuring that shelters are equipped to meet the needs of displaced people
  • Aid Distribution: Save the Children has distributed aid to 4,900 affected individuals in 26 shelters. This includes items like bottles of water, and blankets and pillows because people have nowhere to sleep.
  • Our approach addresses both the immediate and long-term needs of displaced communities, working closely with local partners to ensure there's a full and sustainable response.

Who are Save the Children UK?

Every child has a unique story. We help children rewrite theirs.

Save the Children fights for children every single day so they can fulfil their unique potential.

Month after month, in the UK and around the world, we make sure children stay safe, healthy and keep learning, so they can become who they want to be.

We could not do this without our supporters who give a donation every month.

Monthly donations allow us to plan for the long term. To be not just reactive, but proactive in thousands of projects across the world, all designed with one thing in mind: to improve the lives of children.

We know what needs to be done. To do it, we need you.