Ehangu: Working together to make a difference
How the Save the Children community based project Ehangu has helped bring communities together in Cardiff and beyond.
The results are in
Some 23,000 young people have cast their vote in a mass-scale election for children across England and Wales.
The greatest love story ever told - A new perspective on the climate crisis
For most of us, climate change seems remote and theoretical. It’s a story happening in the news or in the future. But that's not the story for children.
Launching a new safeguarding standard
How Save the Children worked with the British Standards Institution on new, free child protection guidance for UK organisations.
Transformation of childcare sector isn’t just possible, but necessary
Ruth Talbot, child poverty policy adviser, sets out what the UK Government must to do make childcare work for families
A Spring Statement full of holes
Dan Paskins, director of UK Impact at Save the Children UK, reflects on the Chancellor's Spring Statement and what it means for children and families living in poverty
From Climate Anxiety to Climate Action: Meet Lola
Lola- one of our Changemaker Leaders- explains why she volunteers, and the importance of a fossil-fuel phase out for both planetary and personal health.
Taking on the Climate Crisis: Meet Michelle
Changemaker Leader Michelle talks about why climate action is so important to her.
Underlining the value of the Early Years
Fiona King, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Save Scotland makes the case for focusing policy, practice and resource on the youngest children.
Child lock what the UK government can do to secure children’s futures1
Meghan Meek - O'Connor, Senior Policy advisor, sets out why we need a Child Lock - a 'double lock' spending on children's social security entitlements