All for one, and one for all
As we celebrate World Environment Day, George Akor looks at how we’re supporting children taking climate action in Nigeria and around the world.
Nigeria's fight against childhood pneumonia
The government of Nigeria’s approval during the covid surge of $17 million to set up oxygen plants must now move beyond the contracting stage.
World Breastfeeding Week 2022
The stories of three Nigerian mothers – Victoria, Hazidah and Isabella – show why it's critical we promote, protect and support breastfeeding.
Backing breastfeeding
It’s breastfeeding week. A time to focus on protecting, promoting and supporting mothers to breastfeed.
Celebrating the Day of the African Child
The Day of the African Child is a time to celebrate the energy, strength and creativity of children across Africa. This year's theme is Eliminating Harmful Practices.
Tackling food insecurity in Nigeria
Climate change, insurgency and conflict, natural disasters and pandemic-related shocks all affect food production and push food prices up. What's our response?
Children’s day in Nigeria
It's a day schoolchildren look forward to. It should also be a wake-up call for the full application and implementation of laws that ensure our children are protected.
Scaling up routine immunisation coverage in Nigeria
Scaling up immunisation coverage and uptake in Nigeria is not just a goal, it's an imperative.
Reaching every zero-dose child in Nigeria
Concerted action gives us hopes that reaching zero-dose children can become a reality. We aim to do things differently, trying new approaches and learning from the past
Oxygen Challenges in access and measurement
A new study in Nigeria shows how a more sophisticated approach to measuring oxygen availability may help us understand – and address – catastrophic bottlenecks.
Nigeria’s weak primary health system cannot cope with pandemics
The federal government and all states must act swiftly to put systems in place to ensure uninterrupted financial flows to the primary health care level.
Evidence for scale: a partnership to tackle pneumonia in Nigeria
Our five new partnership research papers give extensive and directly applicable evidence on what works in reducing childhood pneumonia in Nigeria.
What I’ve learnt from SUN nutrition champions
The SUN CSN Secretariat, along with our West and Central African nutrition champions, Action Contre La Faim, and representatives of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, have been working hard over the past few months to make sure that our West and Central Africa regional workshop is a resounding success. We are currently in Abidjan […]
If you want a window on the condition of children in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, there is no better vantage point than the Katanga health centre in the impoverished northern state of Jigawa. In a makeshift hut that passes for a nutrition clinic, a group of 25 women wait with their children. Tiny bodies bearing […]
Using Innovation to Save Lives
How are Save the Children using innovation to save lives? Through our partnership with GSK, we’re bringing together our unique skills and resources to find new ways to help stop children dying from preventable diseases. Save the Children has 100 years of experience in supporting some of the world’s most vulnerable children. GSK is a […]
The STOP Diarrhoea Initiative: Glamorous no, lifesaving yes.
Global Hand washing day and World Toilet day raise awareness of the facts and the essential interventions to prevent death and disease from water borne disease. These days aren’t glamorous, but they are fun and effective ways to prevent diarrhoea. The stats speak for themselves Diarrhoea causes 8% of under-five deaths; diarrhoea and pneumonia combined […]
Celebrating the role of midwives!
Today, International Day of the Midwife celebrates the essential role that midwives play, all over the world, in assisting women and their newborn during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Hundreds of thousands of women still die every year due to complications in pregnancy and childbirth – an estimated 830 women a day. And despite […]
Pneumonia: the silent killer
On World Health Day, we’re drawing attention to what remains the largest infectious cause of child deaths globally – pneumonia. Here are a few facts and thoughts about this silent killer.
Seven steps to eliminate diarrhoea
Diarrhoea is one of the main killers of babies and young children globally. We know how to tackle it. But a step change is needed. Our Stop Diarrhoea initiatives are leading the way.