Hunger what's really happening in east africa...
George Mutwiri, Save the Children’s Head of Nutrition, gives an exclusive topical briefing on our work to tackle malnutrition in east Africa.
Three easy ways to help children in East Africa
We all have the power to affect change. Let's use that power to take action for the 1.7 million children suffering from extreme hunger in East Africa.
The power of peanuts: Stopping S.A.M in it's tracks
1.7m children in East Africa are at risk of death from S.A.M. Thankfully, there is a cure. A simple, cheap cure to start a child’s journey back to health.
Kangaroo care
Kangaroo mother care is a high-impact, low-tech, cost-effective intervention for saving premature babies.
A problem shared is a problem halved
Boresha project in Kenya is part of a wider partnership between GSK and Save the Children with the shared ambition of ending preventable deaths of children under 5.
Making a difference in tackling malnutrition
How the Global Malnutrition Initiative is working to make a difference in the way the world tackles malnutrition.
Finding new ways to fight malnutrition
In January 2019 I returned from maternity leave. Everything was feeling strange, and it was a wrench leaving my baby for the first time. I vividly remember my first meeting, which was with Robert Glick OBE, chair of our newly formed Global Malnutrition Initiative Board: a group of socially minded philanthropists seeking to raise £20 […]
Using Innovation to Save Lives
How are Save the Children using innovation to save lives? Through our partnership with GSK, we’re bringing together our unique skills and resources to find new ways to help stop children dying from preventable diseases. Save the Children has 100 years of experience in supporting some of the world’s most vulnerable children. GSK is a […]
Celebrating the role of midwives!
Today, International Day of the Midwife celebrates the essential role that midwives play, all over the world, in assisting women and their newborn during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Hundreds of thousands of women still die every year due to complications in pregnancy and childbirth – an estimated 830 women a day. And despite […]