India 6 months on from devastating 2nd covid wave
6 months ago the world was shocked by images of overburdened crematoriums and dead bodies floating up in the Ganges. But today India reached a covid-vaccine landmark
Will India face a third wave?
The only way to be prepared for a third Covid wave is to strengthen the entire health system by allocating much needed resources now.
COVID-19 in India: A personal story
Habi Patel reflects on the devastating situation unfolding in India and how it is personally affecting her family.
Made in India
With the development of a new vaccine to protect against childhood pneumonia, India has provided a lifeline to combat the world’s biggest infectious killer of children
Oxygen concentrators are the way forward for India
It’s estimated that in India the use of medical oxygen could reduce child deaths from pneumonia by at least 35%.
Flashbacks to Partition
The desperate plight of migrant workers and their families in India in the coronavirus crisis and how we're responding.
Fighting for breath: time to invest in oxygen delivery systems in India
It’s estimated better access to medical oxygen could reduce childhood pneumonia-related mortality in India by at least 35%.
Seven steps to eliminate diarrhoea
Diarrhoea is one of the main killers of babies and young children globally. We know how to tackle it. But a step change is needed. Our Stop Diarrhoea initiatives are leading the way.