Throughout the last century, the Labour Party has been at the forefront of championing international development in British politics. From the pioneering days of the 1960s under Barabra Castle to the establishment of the Department for International Development (DfID) and commitment to spend 0.7% of GNI as aid under Tony Blair, Labour has consistently emphasised the importance of international development.
The global context has moved on radically from 1997 when Labour created DfID. Over the last three decades the world has made significant progress in increasing global prosperity. Developing economies have grown, health coverage for the world’s poorest has improved, more children – especially girls – have been able to go to school, and child mortality has fallen.
But progress is stalling. The very process of carbon-intensive industrialisation, which enabled economies like the UK to grow and has supported progress on poverty reduction, is driving the climate crisis. Across the world we are also seeing increasingly protracted conflicts and, for the first time this century, there is a land war in Europe. The next UK Government – whichever party forms it – needs to marshal its resources effectively to meet the scale of the global challenges we face in the 21st century.
It’s right that there is hesitation about ‘reinstating DfID’, it was designed and built in the ‘90s and so it would be naïve to suggest that the answer is to simply restore it. But if Labour wants to repair the damage that has been done to the UK’s international development reputation over recent years, then it would also be unwise to simply dismiss this kind of model.
DfID was the preeminent department of its kind globally. The caliber of its development and humanitarian expertise was known worldwide. Consistently its transparency ranked highly, so we could see the value for money that the taxpayer was getting for its efforts – the FCDO now lags behind on this metric. In short, DfID delivered.
If the Labour Party wins the next election, they will have to provide leadership for the UK’s response to some of the biggest global challenges. They will need to deal with the UK’s response to ongoing conflicts, and to show international political leadership if we are to play our part in tackling the climate crisis. For Britain to play its role on the world stage, it needs a model for development that works and enables the tricky realities of governing to be navigated effectively.
Establishing a modern development department, as part of a whole of government approach, with the infrastructure, flexibility and political leadership to respond to the interconnected challenges posed by conflict, climate change and global economic inequality would put a Labour government the best position to deliver.
At Save the Children we have worked with all manner of donor government agencies, departments and bureaus across the world to deliver lifesaving aid and long-term support to millions of children living in some of the toughest parts of the world. We have practical experience of what works and across this three things stand out in ensuring effective delivery: political leadership, consistency, and sufficient financial backing.
It has become evident in the UK and abroad that strong and committed political leadership is essential for the successful operation of the UK’s engagement on the global stage, and specifically it’s action on development. This entails fostering an environment where development goals are prioritised, ensuring sustained political will, and incorporating development into the broader government agenda.
Development thrives when there is a consistent and reliable framework in place, allowing for long-term planning and implementation. The UK has been, and can continue to be, a world leader, in the fields of climate, health, education and nutrition, these are themes that could be built into a new departments mandate.
Political leadership and stability, while vital, are ultimately futile without financial backing. It is impossible to escape the importance of adequate and sustained funding in delivering an effective development programme. Any new international development department should have a robust financial framework that ensures the availability of resources for innovative programs, effective implementation, and timely response to emerging crises.
A new department must not exclusively look to past models, but instead to new and innovative ways to tackle the issues facing the world. Dealing with the climate crisis has to be at the core of the mandate of a new department if it is to function effectively in the world we live in today.
Labour has an opportunity to build on its legacy of leadership in international development. An independent department headed by a Secretary of State would give a firm political footing. Having long term goals especially on the climate crisis, education, health, nutrition and inequality will give the department clarity of mission, particularly as the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals deadline approaches. This has to be backed up with a budget that is commensurate with the scale of its objectives, and the scale of the challenges it faces.
If it gets this right, a future Labour government can play an essential role in addressing global challenges, supporting children living in some of the world’s toughest places and fostering a more equitable and sustainable world.