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5 ways conflict can impact children’s mental health

19 Oct 2023 Global

Blog by Jenny Jahans

Senior Social Media and Content Manager at Save the Children UK.

In the last 11 days, more than 1,000 children have reportedly been killed in airstrikes on Gaza – that’s one child every 15 minutes.

Whether or not you knew this exact stat, you’re aware of the conflict in Gaza and Israel. Between scrolling on social media, switching tabs to check the news, and sad conversations with colleagues and friends, it’s currently at the top of our minds.

And, more devastatingly, it is at the top of children’s minds who are directly living this nightmare.

Surviving is just the beginning

Victims of a catastrophe they played no part in starting, many children growing up in conflict around the world are left with lasting impacts on their mental health.

Here are five of the ways war can impact children’s mental health, beyond the immediate threat of pain and death:

1 – Anxiety, loneliness and insecurity

This can lead to bed wetting, difficulty falling asleep, nightmares, and strained relationships with their loved ones.

2 – Emotional withdrawal

To cope with violence, children can withdraw or not show any emotion towards the traumatic events around them.

3 – Aggression

Children can become more aggressive, including fighting with and shouting at their friends or even bullying other children.

4 – Psychosomatic symptoms

Severe distress can have physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, chest pains, difficulty breathing, and speech impediments.

5 – Turning to self-harm

In some cases, children can see no other option than to try and escape their surroundings via drugs and alcohol or even self-harm and suicide.

Our aim is simple

In any conflict, Save the Children's priority is protecting children.

We are currently prepping food, medical care and other aid, and are ready to reach children in Gaza as soon as it’s safe to do so. Just as we have done in countless other conflicts around the world in our 104 years.

It’s the least children caught up in grown-ups' conflict deserve.

Donate to our Emergency Fund

If you are able, please give to our Children’s Emergency Fund.

The Fund is a special reserve of money that allows us to respond quickly and help children survive emergencies wherever and whenever they happen.

Sign our petition

Tell Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to do all he can to protect children, who are paying the heaviest price as violence in Gaza and Israel escalates.

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