We’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity of our supporters who’ve donated to or supported our campaign to respond to the crisis in Ukraine.
Our teams are working tirelessly in responding to the emergency – but many supporters have been getting in touch with us to ask what more they can do.
So, I wanted to share 5 practical actions that you could consider taking here in the UK to respond to the ongoing situation.
Consider Community Sponsorship
The government has launched a scheme that provides the opportunity for individuals and families to provide a temporary home for refugees from Ukraine – at the moment it’s focused on those with existing connections. As Save the Children, we don’t think the scheme is perfect, and we’re working behind the scenes with partners to ensure that it’s extended to all refugees and to make sure it’s putting the safety and wellbeing of children at the centre of it.
But if you think you might be able to offer a home to a refugee family, by expressing your interest in the scheme you’ll be joining 100,000 people who’ve already signed up and said they want to stand with refugees. You can sign up here, and organisations like Reset and Sanctuary Foundation have lots of great resources available if you want to learn more about what might be involved, or get further information before making the decision.
Use your voice
Next week, the Nationality and Border Bill is being discussed again in Parliament. It’s a proposal for a new set of laws that would make it harder for refugees and asylum seekers now and in the future, including children, who are fleeing conflict to seek safety in the UK. As Save the Children, we have real concerns about the law, and believe it’s at odds with the generosity that the public have shown in response to this crisis and others before.
We’re members of the Together With Refugees campaign, and up and down the country on Monday 21st March they’re holding events at local landmarks to show communities across the UK have a heart for refugees – check out the map to see if there is one near to you. If there isn’t an event near to you, why not consider writing to your MP to explain your support for refugees (you could use this template letter).
Get the conversation going with children and young people
Working in partnership with the Scouts and the British Red Cross, we’ve prepared these resources and activities to get young people thinking about what’s happening in Ukraine, and how they can help. Although designed primarily for Scout groups they could easily be adapted to be used with Guides, youth groups and in schools.
If you’ve been finding you’ve been getting questions about what’s happening in Ukraine from children, then we’ve put together these pointers on how to talk to them about the conflict.
Get connected in your community
There are hundreds of local charities and organisations working across the UK providing support to refugees and asylum seekers, they’re always on the lookout for individuals who might be able to offer time or skills to help.
Local Welcome is one option, they work in over 50 towns and cities across the country, hosting weekly communal meals which help to make connections between refugees and volunteers. Meals are held in local schools and community centres, and prepared together by guests, who contribute a small amount towards the cost of the meal. You can find out more here – and children are very welcome to join as well.
Take care of yourself
I know that following the news on the TV or social media can feel relentless and overwhelming. We don’t know what will happen, so it’s important to make sure that you take care of your mental health. Mind has provided some great advice about how to do that.