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We're working with Twinings to develop sustainable projects that support tea-growing communities in China. Our partnership launched in 2004 and so far, we have reached over 520,000 children. 

Since 2011, Twinings' support has focused on improving the quality and accessibility of healthcare services in Cangyuan county, Yunnan Province, China, a key tea sourcing location for Twinings. 

Initially we trained healthcare workers to identify and treat sick children and to raise awareness within communities of important health issues. This contributed to a reduction in the mortality rate of children under five.

In 2018, we set out to improve child nutrition and further reduce child mortality through the ‘Great Beginnings, Bright Futures’ programme. Our goal was that no child under two suffers from malnutrition in remote areas of Cangyuan county.

Globally, nearly half of all child deaths are attributable to under nutrition [1]. Proper breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices are ranked in the top three life-saving interventions for children under five [2].

Despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the programme has reached over 44,000 people, including 5,927 babies under two through training 125 hospital workers as well as working directly with tea-farming communities. 

Together we have improved nutrition services and support, helping babies, children and caregivers to survive and stay healthy across these tea communities. The services and support set up through the programme have been adopted by local hospitals for continued use in these communities, meaning support for thousands more children and families long into the future. 

An Infant and Child Nutrition Feeding promoter talks to a new mother about the importance of breastfeeding.

An Infant and Child Nutrition Feeding promoter talks to a new mother about the importance of breastfeeding.

In September 2021, the impact of this programme and our partnership with Twinings was recognised with a High Commendation in the Big Impact category at the Third Sector Awards. In October 2021, it was recognised again as Highly Commended in the Partnership of the Year category at the Reuters Responsible Business Awards.

Following the success of ‘Great Beginnings, Bright Futures’, Twinings are now working with us to ensure that every child in the tea-farming communities of  Cangyuan county can reach their full potential.

Over the next three years we are implementing a holistic Early Childhood Development and Child Protection project, to maximise life chances for the next generation in tea growing communities in China. We aim to support 10,600 children.

 Fathers share their experiences of supporting breastfeeding.

Fathers share their experiences of supporting breastfeeding.

[1] United Nations Children's Fund. Committing to child survival: a promise renewed. Progress report. (accessed November 28, 2017)

[2] Jones G, et al (2003) how many child deaths can we prevent this year? (Child survival II). The Lancet; 65–71


Last updated January 2022.