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On 10th October, the Save the Children Global Health and GSK Partnerships teams delivered the inaugural Global Health symposium. The all-day event celebrated 10 years of achievements facilitated or otherwise supported by GSK and enjoyed a hybrid in-person and online audience of over 200 people from more than 40 organisations including the World Health Organisation (WHO), GAVI The Vaccine Alliance, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and Amref Health Africa.

Keynote speakers included Fiona Smith-Laittan (VP of Global Health, GSK) and Joy Lawn (Professor of Public Health, LSHTM), while the three distinct sessions covered improving respiratory care for children in Nigeria, a deep-dive into the impact of Community Health Workers, and a retrospective look at GSK-facilitated programmes and advancements via Kangaroo Mother Care and the success of Chlorhexidine gel in Kenya.

Catch up on all the sessions


Session 1



Session 2

Session 3

Further Symposium Resources

Pneumonia in Nigeria

Oxygen systems and access

Community care-seeking

Trials and Evaluations

Other projects