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Let's make better possible

In 2021 we launched our strategy to make lasting change for – and with – the children who need it most.

Our 3-year strategy ­–  ‘Let’s make better possible’ -  aims to make lasting change for and with children.

Save the Children was founded on the belief that every child should have the chance to be who they are and become who they want to be. This belief remains at the heart of the organisation today.

And it’s the driving force behind our strategy. We’ll work with and for children to help them see what’s possible and realise their potential.


As a global movement working in more than 100 countries, we have four strategic goals for children:

  • a healthy start in life
  • a safe return to school and quality learning
  • a childhood free of violence, and
  • support to cope with future shocks

Here in the UK, we’ll focus on children’s learning and support for families.

Across our four goals, we’ll tackle the triple threat of Covid, conflict and the climate crisis – to help make a better future possible. And we’ll continue to prioritise the rights of children left behind by poverty and discrimination


Through our 2022­–­24 strategy, we’ll work with the leaders of tomorrow and develop long-term partnerships.

Together, we’ll transform how we work with the children and communities we support – so they have a big say in what needs to change and how. Our commitment to our responsibility to safeguard them remains absolute.

Alongside our direct work with children, we’ll build a movement of support behind our cause. We’ll accelerate our impact through the use of tech, data and evidence. And we’ll build a kind and inclusive organisation.

Together ­– with children, for children – let’s make a better future possible.