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Why have I received this email/letter? 

According to our records, you have previously signed a Gift Aid form for Save the Children UK. We are required by HMRC to keep a valid copy of your declaration and need to check the details we hold for you are still valid. If you are happy with the email or letter which is a Gift Aid Statement, you don’t need to contact us, we will update our records to confirm you have received this email/letter. This is acceptable to HMRC. However, if any details in the email/letter are incorrect please do let us know via email to [email protected]

What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a government tax scheme, administered by the HM Revenue and Customs Department (HMRC), which enables charities to reclaim the basic rate tax that you, the donor, have paid as a taxpayer – an extra 25p for every £1 of the total paid. That is why anyone signing up for Gift Aid must be a UK taxpayer or have paid UK Capital Gains Tax. 

Who is eligible for Gift Aid?

Only individual UK taxpayers can complete the Gift Aid declaration form, which enables us to claim the tax you have paid from the Government.

What is a Gift Aid declaration form?

This is confirmation from you, the UK taxpayer, that you permit Save the Children to reclaim the tax you have paid through Income Tax or Capital Gains tax. But you must have also paid enough tax to do this, so for every £1 you donate we will claim 25p. Therefore, you must have paid in each tax year, which runs from 6 April to the 5 April, enough tax for us, and every charity you donate to, to claim Gift Aid back from HMRC.

If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief on your self-assessment tax form. Further information is available on the HMRC website ‘Giving to charities for individuals’ or from your local tax office.

What if I am no longer a taxpayer?

That's no problem, we are aware that circumstances change over the years. Please email us at [email protected] to let us know your change in circumstances. Please include your full name and either a supporter number (this is on your email or letter) or postcode to identify you on our records. Please also confirm in your response if you were a taxpayer on the date shown in your email/letter.

You have sent this to my partner who has now died - how can I update this record?

Please accept our sincere condolences and apologies for any upset caused by this email or letter. Please email [email protected] so that we can update our records appropriately. Please include the full name of your partner and their postcode. If you would like to continue to hear from Save the Children, please do let us know, and if you want to Gift Aid your own donations we will send you a Gift Aid declaration form. 

My Partner is the Taxpayer - how can I update this record?

It is really important to let us know who the UK taxpayer is, as they must also be the donor or share the donation with you for Save the Children to be able to claim back tax. Please email us at [email protected] to let us know this so we can amend our records.

What if I want to stop giving Gift Aid?

Please contact [email protected] if you wish to close your Gift Aid Declaration. To close this declaration, we will require your full name and either a supporter number (this is on your email or letter) or postcode to identify you on our system.  

Please also include confirmation that you were a taxpayer on the date shown in your email/letter in your response.  Thank you for previously Gift Aiding - we appreciate that circumstances change and if you find yourself able to Gift Aid again in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I have moved from the address on your files - how can I update my record?

Thank you so much for letting us know this, we can update your address on our records. If you could confirm that the address shown in the email or letter was a previous residence and that you were a taxpayer on the dates shown in the email that would be most appreciated. Please email [email protected] and provide your full name and either a supporter number (this is on your email or letter) or previous postcode to identify you on our system. We will of course also need your new address.

The email said I only had 30 days to respond but it's been longer than that - can I still update my status?

That’s no problem. HMRC set the time limit, but we can amend your Gift Aid status at any time. Are the details in the letter/email we sent you correct? If not, please see "What if I want to stop giving Gift Aid?" above.

How do I contact you regarding the email or letter I received?

For efficiency, emailing us will expedite your query/concern. You can email us about Gift Aid using the following email address [email protected]

Why have I received an email asking for my address?

We currently have a Gift Aid declaration with you that we need to confirm is both still active and covers Gift Aid donations you made in the past. However, we do not have a current address for you on our records, and without an address HMRC is unable to confirm your ongoing eligibility for Gift Aid. If you have requested to opt out of communications with us, please be assured the address will only be used to validate your Gift Aid.