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Our commitments to you

In recent years we've been able to deliver real change on a bigger scale than ever before, but only because of the generosity of our supporters. Without you we simply wouldn't be able to help children at home or abroad. 

Your trust is vital to us and why we're committed to being fully transparent and accountable to you.

Our Supporter Promise clearly outlines our guarantee to you when you choose to support Save the Children:

1. Transparency about how we use your donations

  • We spend donations to have the most impact for children
  • We value every gift, large and small, and always put your gift to work as quickly as we can

2. Amazing stories that show how you’re helping transform children’s lives

  • Your support helps children all over the world. We’ll share stories and be honest about the challenges we face
  • When an emergency strikes, we’ll do our best to contact you as soon as possible to let you know how children are affected

3. Respect for your privacy and your generosity

  • We will not make cold telephone calls to the general public
  • We’ll never sell your data

4. An approach that’s right for you

  • We’ll make it clear and easy for you to choose how you hear from us. If you ask us not to contact you we won’t, unless it’s a legal requirement
  • Our staff, suppliers and volunteers will adhere to the Institute of Fundraising's policy on vulnerable people

5. A friendly and open response when you get in touch

  • To help us be efficient we'll sometimes work with external suppliers to contact you. We’ll train, monitor and regulate our external suppliers to meet our standards
  • If we get things wrong, we’ll be upfront about our mistakes, apologise and fix them

    If you would like to chat to us please call Sharon, Alwyn and Nora, and the rest of the Supporter Care team on 0207 012 6400. You can also email them at supportercare@save

We also fully comply with all relevant laws, including the Data Protection Act 2018, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 and the Telephone Preference Service.

We strive for best practice in fundraising and are registered with the Fundraising Regulator, complying with its Fundraising Promise and are also members of the Institute of Fundraising. Save the Children Fund is also licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 4673.