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13 Jan 2023 Global

Blog by Elin John

I work across our digital channels to tell the stories of children across the world.

We all feel blue from time to time and that's ok, but here are some tips from our experts to help kids feel safe and happy in their emotions.

1. Take time to listen to them 

Find our what the child is thinking and give them the chance to express their worries, feelings and emotions. For example; 
"You seem scared, can we take a deep breath together and then we'll see how I can help you?"

2. Find a quiet place

This will make it easier for children to ask questions and say what they need help with.

3. Reasure your child that feelings and thoughts make sense.

Make them feel that their emotions are common. For example,
"It's completely normal that you're angry - when we experience something that is unfair or scary it can make us upset."

4. Reassure the child that you are there to protect them

Buy try not to make unrealistic promises or statements.

5. Give them your full empathy and attention

You could say "It's common to feel weird when really scary things happen. Even our bodies can feel stange."

Learn about our safe spaces for children

How to talk to kids about hard things



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